• Next FCUG meeting - Saturday, Jan. 19, 2025

    From rbernardo@rbernardo@iglou.com (RobertB) to comp.sys.cbm on Mon Jan 13 21:35:41 2025
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.cbm

    Happy New Year, C= and Ami aficionados!

    The Fresno Commodore User Group has its next meeting from 11 a.m. to
    2:30+ p.m., Sunday, Jan. 19, at

    Panera Bread Restaurant
    3590 W. Shaw Ave. (corner of W. Shaw Ave. and Marty Ave.)
    Fresno, CA 93711
    (559) 271-0104

    In discussion we'll talk about the current fires affecting Commodore
    members in the Los Angeles area, the February Vintage Computer Festival
    SoCal, the April Los Angeles Maker Faire, and especially the April 26-27 Commodore Los Angeles Super Show.

    In hardware, we look at the Greaseweazle v4 newly-built into a case and
    having a 3.5” disk drive and a 5.25” disk drive. (Greaseweazle is a
    small, electronics board which permits “versatile floppy drive control
    over USB. By extracting the raw flux transitions from a drive, any
    diskette format can be captured…” and thus it can transfer a floppy disk into a disk file and vice versa.)

    In software, we have the A600GS and/or the AmigaOne A1222+ with the
    latest Amiga games, like Revenge of the Grinch, Santas Present Drop 4 – Grunge’s Revenge, Ami Robbo 2, Yoomp!, the Rastan demo game, the
    Vigilante demo game, and Bunnito’s Feast. The Ultimate 64 returns with
    the latest C64 games, like Tank in a Dungeon, Soiled Iron, Santa’s
    Workout 2, Captain Ishtar 2, Toki C64 demo game, the Pretzelves,
    Twintris Deluxe, Golf Dash Extended, and Schreckenstein 65. The VIC-20
    comes in with new programs, like Jumpman Pete, Island Beach Head,
    Cubelco 24, Christmas Card Greetings 2024, and Pacific Air War.

    Robert Bernardo
    Fresno Commodore User Group - http://www.dickestel.com/fcug.htm

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