• Re: Plus 4 rom error - is there any place to report it?

    From Johann Klasek - swap last two domainparts@johann+usenet@at.klasek.invalid to comp.sys.cbm on Sat Jun 22 20:47:33 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.cbm

    George <gh424NO584SPAM@cox.net> wrote:
    If anyone has a Plus/4 and has nothing better to do, it would be helpful if you could run the programs listed below and report the results. The programs report the total number of ACIA interrupts which occur while transmitting 256 bytes of data continuously at 2400 baud. They should be run with nothing plugged into the User Port - no modem or anything.

    My suspicion is that the single-byte transmit buffer of the Plus/4 results in back-to-back double interrupts being generated for each byte
    transmitted, which can cause problems at high speed. If that's the case, the first program will report about 512 interrupts, and the second about 256. But there may be no difference. Anyway, I just need to know.

    Did anyone catched up to this? Has it been solved.

    Maybe I could give a try, if still needed.


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