• Black screen after updates

    From bp@bp@www.zefox.net to comp.sys.raspberry-pi on Thu Nov 14 16:35:27 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.raspberry-pi

    I'm seeing a black screen after reboot following most but not
    all recent updates to bookworm on a Pi5. The strange thing is
    that rebooting from a somewhat older Bookworm microSD seems to
    permanently (until the next update!) fix the problem, allowing
    normal boot from a USB hard disk.

    Meanwhile, both Chromium and Firefox have quit playing videos,
    remaining stuck at the loading screen but updating thumbnails
    if the progress slider is advanced.

    Anybody else seeing this?

    Thanks for reading,

    bob prohaska

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From bp@bp@www.zefox.net to comp.sys.raspberry-pi on Thu Nov 14 16:52:51 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.raspberry-pi

    bp@www.zefox.net wrote:
    I'm seeing a black screen after reboot following most but not
    all recent updates to bookworm on a Pi5. The strange thing is
    that rebooting from a somewhat older Bookworm microSD seems to
    permanently (until the next update!) fix the problem, allowing
    normal boot from a USB hard disk.

    Meanwhile, both Chromium and Firefox have quit playing videos,
    remaining stuck at the loading screen but updating thumbnails
    if the progress slider is advanced.

    It looks like the latest update fixed both chromium and firefox.
    Videos play smoothly. Not sure what changed, as the update was to
    rpi-eeprom, but in any case videos are now viewable.

    Thanks for reading,

    bob prohaska

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114