• Re: got my new pi400 and pi3b

    From Daniel@me@sc1f1dan.com to comp.sys.raspberry-pi on Thu Jun 27 02:50:58 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.raspberry-pi

    druck <news@druck.org.uk> writes:

    On 26/06/2024 08:58, Daniel wrote:
    2. No audio jack *What can I say, i still love listening to music,
    and particularly so via an elaborate and broad bash script. I only
    have wired speakers. The old school type with the big box subwoofer.

    There are various options, such as a USB audio stick with 3.5mm output
    jack, or a HDMI splitter which will pass video on to a monitor which
    doesn't have speakers, and split the audio off to a 3.5mm jack.

    Thanks for that. I will look for this.


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