• Re: Raspbery Pi OS Lite stuck on kernel 6.1

    From Michael Schwingen@news-1513678000@discworld.dascon.de to comp.sys.raspberry-pi on Fri Jul 12 22:47:44 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.raspberry-pi

    On 2024-06-18, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> wrote:
    OK, I did an in-place upgrade which they say you should not do ...

    Debian does officially support that, provided you do not go up more than
    one major version step at a time.

    Yes, but you should then read the "upgrade" chapter in the debian release
    notes for the new version - sometimes there are manual steps required (I remember "pick a kernel package and install it", but I am not sure for which version that was). Of course, debian will not list raspbian-specific topics,
    so these need to be considered additionally.

    On i386/x64, I have done lots of in-place upgrades, in one case starting at Debian 3.0, and all worked fine - I don't know why is is recommended to do a fresh install for new raspberry pi os versions.

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