• Methode / Datamate SCSI Multi-Modem Whazzat?

    From Louis Ohland@ohland@charter.net to comp.sys.ibm.ps2.hardware on Thu Jan 16 09:36:44 2025
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.ibm.ps2.hardware

    "PC Host" might refer to a SBC? Stripped-down system?

    I have foundt NO references yet on the introduction or availability of
    the SCSI Multi-Modem. This might be a third party OEM'd for Datamate.

    The lone page shows up July 17, 1997 and disappears after Feb 09, 999


    Manage up to six full-duplex modem sessions simultaneously on a single
    PC host with the NEW dataMate SCSI Modem Adapter.

    This innovative hardware/software communication solution is ideal for
    real estate, insurance, customer service and sales environments. Call
    today to discover the dataMate way to simplified data communications.

    Up to six modems operated from a single PC
    Full-duplex, 14.4 Kbps, V.32 bis operation
    User friendly Windows based software supports all major file
    transfer protocols and the AT command set
    Small footprint "RAID" style enclosure with all connections made
    external to the PC
    Patent Pending
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