• Dual sound card config on PC730/50

    From christian@christian@holzapfel.biz (ChristianHolzapfel) to comp.sys.ibm.ps2.hardware on Fri Jan 10 14:42:45 2025
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.ibm.ps2.hardware

    For better games compatibility, I disabled the internal Microsoft Sound
    System (on-planar Crystal CS4231A) of my PC750 and installed a ChipChat.
    After finding a game that would just_not_play on this very compatible
    card, I decided to go on a very unorthodox adventure and re-enable the
    on-board sound, because that seems to be better supported for digital
    audio in this case.

    Configuring the system this way leads to a resource conflict, because
    both sound systems implement a Yamaha YMF262 OPL3 - the ChipChat by
    emulation through FM-synthesis, and the planar with a discrete OPL3

    To force things to my will, I edited the system planar's PFED0.ADF,
    PFED1.ADF and PFED2.ADF on my refdisk, and cropped the lines for the
    "Audio Port Address", reserving
    io 0530h-0537h 0388h-038Bh, by removing the 0388h-038Bh part.
    After reboot, the system lets me activate both sound cards.

    Traveller beware - both OPL3 chips will now respond to 0x388h io

    I manually installed the Microsoft Windows Sound System driver with the
    proper IO, IRQ and DMA.
    Had to wire the PC750 _front_ audio out jack to the ChipChat's line-in
    port to have it all come out of the CC's speaker port and have the
    internal system speaker silenced, which would playback the MSS sounds
    quite loud otherwise.

    For my specific game, and aware of the 0x338h IO conflict, I choose
    MPU-401 MIDI on port 330h, using the ChipChat's external wavetable which
    sound better anyway, and the MSS on port 530h for digital playback.

    As unholy this alliance seems, as seemless it just works.
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Louis Ohland@ohland@charter.net to comp.sys.ibm.ps2.hardware on Fri Jan 10 09:26:42 2025
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.ibm.ps2.hardware

    Magic Christian, I have been spelunking for Video for Windows, AM2, and
    WSS factoids.

    The WSS 2.0 supports cards other than WSS cards.

    I _assume_ you have WfW or simular? Can I get an archive of the
    _expanded_ WSS files?

    I've foundt a number of period things like the M$ Video for Windows development kit. Unfortunately, they are a toxic mix of *.WRI, *.HLP
    files that are... compressed.

    Win7 hates that compression.

    ChristianHolzapfel wrote:
    For better games compatibility, I disabled the internal Microsoft Sound System (on-planar Crystal CS4231A) of my PC750 and installed a ChipChat. After finding a game that would just_not_play on this very compatible
    card, I decided to go on a very unorthodox adventure and re-enable the on-board sound, because that seems to be better supported for digital
    audio in this case.

    Configuring the system this way leads to a resource conflict, because
    both sound systems implement a Yamaha YMF262 OPL3 - the ChipChat by
    emulation through FM-synthesis, and the planar with a discrete OPL3

    To force things to my will, I edited the system planar's PFED0.ADF,
    PFED1.ADF and PFED2.ADF on my refdisk, and cropped the lines for the
    "Audio Port Address", reserving
    io 0530h-0537h 0388h-038Bh, by removing the 0388h-038Bh part.
    After reboot, the system lets me activate both sound cards.

    Traveller beware - both OPL3 chips will now respond to 0x388h io

    I manually installed the Microsoft Windows Sound System driver with the proper IO, IRQ and DMA.
    Had to wire the PC750 _front_ audio out jack to the ChipChat's line-in
    port to have it all come out of the CC's speaker port and have the
    internal system speaker silenced, which would playback the MSS sounds
    quite loud otherwise.

    For my specific game, and aware of the 0x338h IO conflict, I choose
    MPU-401 MIDI on port 330h, using the ChipChat's external wavetable which sound better anyway, and the MSS on port 530h for digital playback.

    As unholy this alliance seems, as seemless it just works.
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114