• Lies, sex, and Cocoa Puffs [Empirical observations of MC3448Apresence]

    From Louis Ohland@ohland@charter.net to comp.sys.ibm.ps2.hardware on Fri Jan 3 08:17:02 2025
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.ibm.ps2.hardware

    While performing my constant genuflections over Micro Channel, I noticed another Space Oddity.

    MC3448A, Quad Bidirectional Instrumentation Bus GPIB Transceiver

    Adaptec AIC-6250EL = NO MC3448A
    84F8324 = MC3448A
    Jalpa / Monarch = NO MC3448A

    Sysboard implementations either used a DIP or 2x "SIP" terminators.

    The 9585-X uses a 84F8324, but no images or components for terminators
    on the outline. _MAYBE_

    PS/55 Implementations ------------------------ //


    16-bit SCSI Adapters w/o Cache
    Short SCSI A/16 (SIP Terminators)
    Adaptec AIC-6250EL, SIP terms, MC3448A ??? [no rear image]

    Short SCSI A/16 (DIP Terminator)
    84F8324 SCSI bus controller, DIP term, MC3448A present [front]

    2/3 Length SCSI/A (50-pin Header + Card Edge)
    Adaptec AIC-6250EL, SIP terms, No MC3448A

    32-bit SCSI Adapters w/ Cache
    Short SCSI A/32 with Cache (SIP Terminators)
    84F8324 SCSI bus controller, SIP terms, MC3448A present [back]

    Short SCSI A/32 with Cache (DIP Terminator)
    84F8324 SCSI bus controller, DIP term, MC3448A present [back]

    2/3 Length SCSI with Cache (50-pin Header)
    Adaptec AIC-6250EL, SIP terms, No MC3448A

    Long SCSI A/32 with Cache and 2.5" HD
    84F8324 SCSI bus controller, DIP term, MC3448A ??? [probable]

    PS/2 SCSI Implementations ----------------- //

    No Tribbles or AIC-6250EL have MC3448A...
    Korvetten class use different auto-term components on rear.

    I do NOT understand WHAT the MC3448A does...

    SCSI w/ Cache - Newest [Three can]
    84F8324 SCSI bus controller, DIP term, MC3448A present [back]

    84F8324 SCSI bus controller, 2x SIP term [?], MC3448A present

    84F8324 SCSI bus controller, no images

    64F4760 SCSI ctrl. "Jalpa" (local bus), "Red" DIP term, No MC3448A

    91F9906 SCSI ctrl. "Monarch" (local bus), 2x SIP term [?], No MC3448A --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114