From Newsgroup: comp.protocols.time.ntp
According to Marco Moock <>:
I see that messages posted to the mailing list are visible in the
newsgroup, but messages posted to the group are not on the mailing list >archive.
Can others confirm this?
I run the gateway from the list to the newsgroup. I would be happy to
run a gateway that runs the other way, but for a long time it was
impractical due to the flood of spam from Google Groups.
That's gone, but lists normally only accept posts from subscribers
which means if I tried to run the gateway the other way it'd all be
bouned or be sent to the moderators. If the people running the list
want to give me an approval password so forwards to the list would
work, I'd be happy to do it. The code is about three lines.
John Levine,, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
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