Capture2Text(tested this program and it runs fine in windows 7 and windows 11)
*What is Capture2Text?
*System Requirements
*How to Launch
*Troubleshooting & FAQ
*Related Tools for Japanese Language Learners
What is Capture2Text?
Capture2Text enables users to quickly OCR a portion of the screen using
a keyboard shortcut. The resulting text will be saved to the clipboard
by default.
Conceptual illustration:
Capture2Text is free and licensed under the terms of the GNU General
Public License.
The latest version can be found on the Capture2Text download page
*Installing Additional OCR Languages
*How to Perform a Standard OCR Capture
*How to Perform a Text Line OCR Capture
*How to Perform a Forward Text Line OCR Capture
*How to Perform a Bubble OCR Capture
*How to Specify the Active OCR Language
*Command Line Options
hosted by SourceForge. >
Download Latest Version (63.6 MB) > ( / 60.6 MB), extracted . . . (Capture2Text_v4.6.3_64bit / 150 MB / 29 Files, 5 Folders) . . .
System Requirements[end quoted excerpt]
Supported operating systems:
*Windows 7
*Windows 8/8.1
*Windows 10
Note: Windows XP support has been dropped as of Capture2Text v4.0.
How to Launch Capture2Text (no installation required)
1. Unzip the contents of the zip file.
2. Double-click on Capture2Text.exe. You should see the Capture2Text
icon on the bottom-right of your screen (though it might be
hidden in which case you will have to click on the "Show hidden
icons" arrow).
Installing Additional OCR Languages
By default Capture2Text comes packaged with the following languages:
English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Spanish.
Follow these steps if you would like to install additional OCR
1. Download the appropriate OCR language dictionary.
2. Open the ".zip" file you just downloaded with 7-Zip or similar
decompression software.
3. Drag all files contained within the zip file to the tessdata
4. Restart Capture2Text.
The following OCR languages are supported:
Afrikaans (afr) Greek (ell) Odiya (ori) >Albanian (sqi) Gujarati (guj) Panjabi (pan) >Amharic (amh) Haitian (hat) Persian (fas) >Ancient Greek (grc) Hebrew (heb) Polish (pol) >Arabic (ara) Hindi (hin) Portuguese (por)
Assamese (asm) Hungarian (hun) Pushto (pus) >Azerbaijani (aze) Icelandic (isl) Romanian (ron)
Basque (eus) Indic (inc) Russian (rus) >Belarusian (bel) Indonesian (ind) Sanskrit (san)
Bengali (ben) Inuktitut (iku) Serbian (srp) >Bosnian (bos) Irish (gle) Sinhala (sin) >Bulgarian (bul) Italian (ita) Slovak (slk) >Burmese (mya) Japanese (jpn) Slovenian (slv)
Catalan (cat) Javanese (jav) Spanish (spa) >Cebuano (ceb) Kannada (kan) Swahili (swa) >Central Khmer (khm) Kazakh (kaz) Swedish (swe) >Cherokee (chr) Kirghiz (kir) Syriac (syr) >Chinese - Simplified (chi_sim) Korean (kor) Tagalog (tgl) >Chinese - Traditional (chi_tra) Kurukh (kru) Tajik (tgk) >Croatian (hrv) Lao (lao) Tamil (tam) >Czech (ces) Latin (lat) Telugu (tel) >Danish (dan) Latvian (lav) Thai (tha) >Dutch (nld) Lithuanian (lit) Tibetan (bod) >Dzongkha (dzo) Macedonian (mkd) Tigrinya (tir)
English (eng) Malay (msa) Turkish (tur) >Esperanto (epo) Malayalam (mal) Uighur (uig) >Estonian (est) Maltese (mlt) Ukrainian (ukr)
Finnish (fin) Marathi (mar) Urdu (urd) >Frankish (frk) Math/Equations (equ) Uzbek (uzb) >French (fra) Middle English (1100-1500) (enm) Vietnamese (vie)
Galician (glg) Middle French (1400-1600) (frm) Welsh (cym) >Georgian (kat) Nepali (nep) Yiddish (yid) >German (deu) Norwegian (nor)
How to Perform a Standard OCR Capture
Follow these steps to perform a standard OCR capture using the
capture box:
1. Position your mouse pointer at the top-left corner of the text
that you want to OCR.
2. Press the OCR hotkey (Windows Key + Q) to begin an OCR capture.
3. Move your mouse to resize the blue capture box over the text that
you want to OCR. You may hold down the right mouse button and
drag to move the entire capture box.
4. Press the OCR hotkey again (or left-click or press ENTER) to
complete the OCR capture. The OCR'd text will be placed in the
clipboard and a popup showing the captured text will appear (the
popup may be disabled in the settings).
As with all OCR captures, you must manually select the language that
you would like to OCR from the settings.
To change the OCR language, right-click the Capture2Text tray icon,
select the OCR Language option and then select the desired language.
To quickly switch between 3 languages, use the OCR language quick
access keys: Windows Key + 1, Windows Key + 2, and Windows Key + 3.
The quick access languages may be specified in the settings.
When Chinese or Japanese is selected, you should specify the text
direction (vertical/horizontal/auto) using the text direction hotkey:
Windows Key + O. If auto is selected, horizontal will be used when
the capture width is more than twice the height, otherwise vertical
will be used. The text direction also affects how furigana is
stripped from Japanese text.
(For Japanese) Capture2Text will attempt to automatically strip out
How to Perform a Text Line OCR Capture
Capture2Text can automatically capture the line of text that is
closest to the mouse pointer.
Follow these steps to perform a Text Line OCR Capture:
1. Position your mouse pointer on or near the line of text to
2. Press the Text Line OCR Capture hotkey (Windows Key + E).
3. Capture2Text will outline the captured text and save the OCR
result to the clipboard.
How to Perform a Forward Text Line OCR Capture
Capture2Text can automatically capture the line of text starting at
the character that is closest to the mouse pointer and working
Follow these steps to perform a Forward Text Line OCR Capture:
1. Position your mouse pointer on or near the character to start at.
2. Press the Forward Text Line OCR Capture hotkey (Windows Key + W).
3. Capture2Text will outline the captured text and save the OCR
result to the clipboard.
How to Perform a Bubble OCR Capture
Capture2Text can automatically capture text contained within a comic
book speech/thought bubble as long as the bubble is completely
Follow these steps to perform a Bubble OCR Capture:
1. Position your mouse pointer in the empty part of the bubble (not
on the text).
2. Press the bubble OCR Capture hotkey (Windows Key + S).
3. Capture2Text will outline the captured text and save the OCR
result to the clipboard.
How to Specify the Active OCR Language
To specify the active OCR language, right-click the tray icon, click
on OCR Language, and select an OCR languages from the list:
To enable the translation feature, start by opening the settings
dialog (right-click tray icon and select "Settings..."), and
clicking on the Translate tab.
Check the "Append translation to clipboard" checkbox to append the
translated text to the clipboard using the provided separator.
Check the "Show translation in popup window" checkbox to display the >translated text along side the OCR text in the popup window. For
Each installed OCR language may be translated to a different
Note 1: Some OCR languages do not have translation support.
Unsupported languages will not be displayed.
Note 2: The translation feature requires Internet access.
Right-click the Capture2Text tray icon in the bottom-right of your
screen and then select the "Settings..." option to bring up the
Settings dialog. You may hover over many of the option labels to
display a helpful tooltip explaining the option.
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