From Newsgroup: comp.lang.tcl
just some code at starter :
package require atlmkkernel
namespace import atlmkkernel::MkRuntimeC::*
namespace import atlmkkernel::*::*
ends with :
unknown namespace in import pattern "atlmkkernel::*::*"
while executing
"namespace import atlmkkernel::*::*"
analysis :
1) namespace import atlmkkernel::MkRuntimeC::* is valid,
there is a NS in a NS and the last one has some commands defined
2) the problem is that are MORE than one NS exists.
the idea was to use:
namespace import atlmkkernel::*::*
to import ALL commands from ALL sub-NS of "atlmkkernel"
3) the "atlmkkernel" has NO command defined BUT has:
namespace export "Mk*C"
a pattern on all "sub-NS" BUT this seems to be NOT supported
obvious this is NOT working in TCL.
the problem is now that I can#t import all commands without writing down ALL NS import
commands individual.
just an info
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