From Newsgroup: comp.lang.tcl
The tcl binding for zint was reformed and is TCL9 ready.
There is no release with those changes jet, so use the repository zip button...
zint is a barcode image creation library for tk images.
There is now the and configure build system.
The magic "push git commit id into zint::version-info" is included but
does not work for me. But it never worked for me anyway, so we don't
care. "zint::version-info" gives nonsense (as for most packages I know)...
In addition, the zint command is now removed on unload. This is also
wrong. The command is removed by name, what is not "command rename"
proof. But it is better than the possible crash before.
I tried to mirror-back all issues to the sample extension, which created
5 tickets, and only one is solved. Most are not solvable with my
knowledge, sorry. And the magic "git version-info" stuff is absolutly no
way for me, sorry.
I have no idea, how a novice extension author should handle all this complexity....
Thank you for all,
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