• [Python-announce] [RELEASE] Python 3.11.2, Python 3.10.10 and 3.12.0 alpha 5 are available

    From Pablo Galindo Salgado@pablogsal@gmail.com to comp.lang.python.announce on Wed Feb 8 14:29:16 2023
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.python.announce

    Hi everyone,

    I am happy to report that after solving some last-time problems we have a
    bunch of fresh releases for you:

    ### Python 3.12.0 alpha 5

    Check the new alpha of 3.12 with some Star Trek vibes:


    210 new commits since 3.12.0a4 last month

    ### Python 3.11.2

    A shipment of bugfixes and security releases for the newest Python!


    194 new commits since 3.11.1

    ### Python 3.10.10

    Your trusty Python3.10 just got more stable and secure!


    131 new commits since 3.10.9

    ## We hope you enjoy the new releases!

    Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and
    these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by
    volunteering yourself or through organization contributions to the Python Software Foundation.


    Your friendly release team,

    Ned Deily @nad
    Steve Dower @steve.dower
    Pablo Galindo Salgado @pablogsal
    Ɓukasz Langa @ambv
    Thomas Wouters @thomas
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