• [Python-announce] Roundup Issue Tracker 2.4.0 Released

    From John P. Rouillard@rouilj@cs.umb.edu to comp.lang.python.announce on Sat Jul 13 08:22:45 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.python.announce

    Hello All:

    I'm proud to release version 2.4.0 of the Roundup issue tracker.
    This release is a bugfix and feature release, so make sure to
    read https://www.roundup-tracker.org/docs/upgrading.html to bring
    your tracker up to date.

    The 79 changes, as usual, include some new features and many
    bug fixes.

    Version 2.4.0 is the last release to support Python 2.
    The next minor release, planned for mid 2025, will occur
    5 years after Roundup started supporting Python 3.

    Among the notable improvements in 2.4.0 from the 2.3.0
    release are:

    * three CVE's have been fixed. One requires changes to your
    tracker's home directory. The other two are fixed by
    installing 2.4.0. See
    https://www.roundup-tracker.org/docs/security.html for
    details and instructions on how to fix these in 2.4.0 and
    earlier releases.

    * new classhelper component thanks to a team of students
    from CS682 at U-Mass Boston. This fixes many issues with
    the old classhelper. It is implemented as a web-component
    and needs REST interface access. It will fall back to the
    classic classhelper if REST is not available or if the
    browser does not support web-components.

    * fix Windows Python installation using pip. It used to go
    into an infinite loop during install or download. Also fix
    installation of shared files (templates) so roundup-admin
    can find them.

    * using ``@current_user`` as a value in a search URL for a
    user property will use the current logged in user. Now you
    can share searches like: "My issues" as "my" will become
    the current logged in user.

    * login failures to the REST/XML-RPC interfaces are now rate
    limited to limit password guessing attacks.

    * utf8mb4 is the default charset for MySQL. This requires
    migrating your database using the mysql client. You can
    choose to keep the older character set in config.ini.

    * PostgreSQL services defined in pg_service.conf can be
    used. PostgreSQL schemas are supported to eliminate the
    need for the roundup user to have database
    creation/deletion privileges.

    * fix out of memory issue when importing larger trackers
    into PostgreSQL.

    * multiple roundup-admin improvements: display protected
    properties (like creation date), better formatting of
    output, command history. Also on windows, pyreadline3 is
    supported to provide an editable interactive command line.

    * an experimental wsgi performance improvement in 2.3.0 is
    now now the default and is opt-out.

    * new template functions: utils.readfile and
    utils.expandfile. Javascript that is included in the
    Python core will be moved to external files and be able to
    have values from Roundup substituted in the Javascript.

    * allow content-type of a template to be set from inside the
    template. This allows returning json or xml from a
    template without a .json or .xml extention.

    * fix import/export on windows to use Unix style line
    endings fixing export/import on Windows and making exports
    portable across platforms.

    * various other Windows platform fixes including test suite

    * sqlite version 1 and StructuredText support removed.

    The file CHANGES.txt (https://sourceforge.net/p/roundup/code/ci/tip/tree/CHANGES.txt)
    has a detailed list of feature additions and bug fixes for each
    release. Also see the information in doc/upgrading.txt.

    If you find bugs, please report them to issues AT
    roundup-tracker.org or create an account at
    https://issues.roundup-tracker.org and open a new ticket. If you
    have patches to fix the issues, they can be attached to the email
    or uploaded to the tracker.


    If you're upgrading from an older version of Roundup you
    *must* follow all the "Software Upgrade" guidelines given in
    the doc/upgrading.txt documentation.

    Note that you should run ``roundup-admin ... migrate`` for
    all your trackers to update the database schema version. Do
    this before you use the web, command-line or mail interface
    and before any users access the tracker.

    Roundup requires Python 2 newer than version 2.7.12 or Python 3
    newer than or equal to version 3.6 for correct operation. (Python
    3.4 or 3.5 may work, but are not tested.) Note that Roundup 2.4.0
    is the last release to support Python 2. You should deploy
    new trackers with Python 3 and plan on upgrading older trackers
    from Python 2 to Python 3. See the upgrade guide.

    To give Roundup a try, just download (directions above),
    unpack and run::

    python demo.py

    then open the url printed by the demo app.

    Release info and download page:


    Source and documentation is available at the website:


    Mailing lists - the place to ask questions:


    About Roundup

    Roundup is a simple-to-use and install issue-tracking system
    with command-line, web and e-mail interfaces. It is based on
    the winning design from Ka-Ping Yee in the Software
    Carpentry "Track" design competition.

    Roundup manages a number of issues (with flexible properties
    such as "description", "priority", and so on) and provides
    the ability to:

    (a) submit new issues,
    (b) find and edit existing issues, and
    (c) discuss issues with other participants.

    The system facilitates communication among the participants
    by managing discussions and notifying interested parties
    when issues are edited. One of the major design goals for
    Roundup that it be simple to get going. Roundup is therefore
    usable "out of the box" with any Python 3.6+
    installation. It doesn't even need to be "installed" to be
    operational, though an install script is provided.

    It comes with five basic issue tracker templates

    * a classic bug/feature tracker
    * a more extensive devel tracker for bug/features etc.
    * a responsive version of the devel tracker
    * a jinja2 version of the devel template
    * a minimal skeleton

    and supports four database back-ends (anydbm, sqlite, mysql
    and postgresql).

    -- rouilj
    John Rouillard
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