From Newsgroup: comp.lang.python.announce
mpdecimal-4.0.0 has been released:
The release has been tested on a compile farm for five months on the
following platforms:
x86_64, i386, aarch64, ppc64, ppc64le, chrp, sparc64, sparc32,
mips64, mips32, risc-v, Wasm
Tested compilers:
gcc, clang, icc, icx, xlc, ibm-clang, cl.exe, clang-cl, mingw-gcc,
CompCert, emscripten
Distributors of CPython are strongly encouraged to build CPython --with-system-libmpdec (as most of them already do).
Additionally, distributors of Python-11 and Python-12 are advised to revert
the implementation of the z-format specifier in _decimal.c. It contains a memory leak for large decimals and does not support the "EG" types.
mpdecimal-4.0.0 automatically supports the z-format specifier without patches to _decimal.c.
The following patch cleanly reverts b0b836b20cb56c225874a4a39ef895f89ab2970f and applies to both Python-11 and Python-12:
For the main branch, the following patches are advised:
# As above:
# Implement a catch-all fallback for _all_ future format specifiers that
# are _temporarily_ unsupported in mpdecimal. The fallback is clean and
# is zero-cost for the general common case:
# Fix a deprecation warning that is incorrectly triggered for a fill
# character that contains 'N':
All patches are "BSD-2-clause, Copyright (c) Stefan Krah", same as mpdecimal and Modules/_decimal/*.
Finally, due to the nature of multiphase initialization, its current implementation in the main branch slows down the pi benchmark compared
to 3.9 by:
--enable-gil: 31%
--disable-gil: 47%
Stefan Krah
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