• ANN: Common CLI to quickly check Prolog snippets across many engines

    From Aleks Grabowski@prolog@asap.mozmail.com to comp.lang.prolog on Sun Nov 10 13:13:24 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Dear All,

    Up until now it was quite time consuming to run your code snippets across different Prolog engines. Imagine you want to test some corner case of
    goal expansion, but you would really like to know how other Prologs
    behave, and what is a common practice if any. That's why I wrote a simple program that will act as a common CLI for different engines. So now you
    can just call:

    prologs -g my_goal my_test.pl

    And this will run `my_goal,halt` with all installed Prologs, so in a less
    of a second you can see how your code is handled by other engines.

    My first release v.0.1 is available at <https://github.com/hurufu/prolog-
    , but currently the only supported way of using it is via AUR
    repository (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/prologs) or a Docker
    container (https://github.com/hurufu/prolog-docker)

    I hope my program will help at least a little bit with interoperability in
    the Prolog community.

    P.S. I know that not a lot of people use Prolog and even less people use
    both Prolog and Arch Linux (and read Usenet), but I still hope that this project will be helpful for somebody else but me ;)
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@janburse@fastmail.fm to comp.lang.prolog on Sun Nov 10 16:22:26 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog


    An alternative minimal approach, which already
    works on many Prolog systems is to only require:

    <prolog system> <prolog script>

    And inside the Prolog text <prolog script>:

    :- initialization(my_main)

    The initialization/1 directive is from the
    ISO core standard. You find some words

    about it here:

    :- initialization(:Goal) https://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/man?predicate=initialization/1


    P.S.: Next level is option processing, the
    minimal being:

    <prolog system> <prolog script> <option 1> ... <option n>

    But things get very hairy here, for example
    SWI-Prolog allows multiple prolog scripts depending
    whether it sees an extension .pl on the command line.

    And inside the Prolog text you can access the options via:

    my_main :-
    current_prolog_flag(argv, L),
    /* your option logic */

    Its not in the ISO core standard but also quite common:

    argv(list, changeable)
    List is a list of atoms representing the
    application command line arguments. https://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/doc_for?object=current_prolog_flag/2

    You can then define options that control your Prolog
    program semantically without exposing Prolog code.
    The command line DSL of your Prolog program can

    be anything need not be Prolog goals. This gives
    a more flexible command line interface, since you
    can more easily change the implementation,

    than when you expose Prolog goals. The command
    line DSL can also solve escaping problems different
    than the way they can happen with supplying Prolog goals.

    Aleks Grabowski schrieb:
    Dear All,

    Up until now it was quite time consuming to run your code snippets across different Prolog engines. Imagine you want to test some corner case of
    goal expansion, but you would really like to know how other Prologs
    behave, and what is a common practice if any. That's why I wrote a simple program that will act as a common CLI for different engines. So now you
    can just call:

    prologs -g my_goal my_test.pl

    And this will run `my_goal,halt` with all installed Prologs, so in a less
    of a second you can see how your code is handled by other engines.

    My first release v.0.1 is available at <https://github.com/hurufu/prolog- all>, but currently the only supported way of using it is via AUR
    repository (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/prologs) or a Docker
    container (https://github.com/hurufu/prolog-docker)

    I hope my program will help at least a little bit with interoperability in the Prolog community.

    P.S. I know that not a lot of people use Prolog and even less people use
    both Prolog and Arch Linux (and read Usenet), but I still hope that this project will be helpful for somebody else but me ;)

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@janburse@fastmail.fm to comp.lang.prolog on Sun Nov 10 17:06:45 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Oho, now I have two tickets opened and then closed
    just for the record of documenting something.

    I assume biomake is the new distribution weapon
    to compete with apostates like here?

    13:00-14:30 Torbjörn Lager: The Role of the Raven in the Prolog
    Trinity Ecosystem: Scryer Prolog Agents on the Web https://www.digitalaustria.gv.at/eng/insights/Digital-Austria-Events-EN/Scryer-Prolog-Meetup-2024.html

    I am all in for free speech until Donald Trump
    misuses it to form a new dictator ship.

    Good Luck to everyone in 2024-2028,
    may Europe survive and stay autonomous.

    P.S.: I assume biomake is a nice example of using the
    <option 1> .. <option n> facility of a Prolog system:

    Biomake is a make-compatible utility for managing
    builds (or analysis workflows) involving multiple
    dependent files. It supports most of the functionality
    (and syntax) of GNU Make, along with neat
    extensions like cluster-based job processing,
    multiple wildcards per target, MD5 checksums instead
    of timestamps, and declarative logic
    programming in Prolog.

    P.P.S.: Recently a man of the street talked about
    modern cloud computing to me and had the idea
    that today there is no escaping of golang, since

    it holds the key for cloud compouting via its
    kubernetes implementation. Actually had some doubts...

    Mild Shock schrieb:

    An alternative minimal approach, which already
    works on many Prolog systems is to only require:
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114