From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog
Dear All,
We are happy to announce a new edition of the
Dogelog player:
- Novacore get_atom/[2,3]:
In the previous version, get_atom/[2,3] allowed
reading text files, in particular entire files or
just lines could be read. After introducing type(binary)
we have now also adjusted the signature of the predicate.
It now accepts an options list.
- library(charsio):
get_atom/[2,3] is still implemented 100% Prolog, but
now also allows reading binary blocks using the compress/1
and max/1 options. Accordingly, we renamed enum_lines/2
to enum_atoms/2 and introduced enum_atoms/3, the latter
accepting the same options list.
- library(files):
So far, copy_binary/2 was implemented natively synchronously,
for the platforms JavaScript, Python and Java. The disadvantage
was that execution could block. The new asynchronous
implementation is based on enum_atoms/3 and allows other
tasks to be executed while waiting for I/O.
Have Fun!
Jan Burse, 03.09.2024,
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