• Re: Request for comments, async ISO core standard I/O

    From Mild Shock@bursejan@gmail.com to comp.lang.prolog on Thu Feb 1 14:01:44 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Now I have a first prototype running:

    $ node dogelog.mjs
    ?- create_task((between(1,10,_), write(foo), nl, sleep(100), fail; true)). true.
    ?- foo

    The task is running, because the console read is now async.
    If it were not async and blocking, the task wouldn't continue running.

    Mostowski Collapse schrieb am Mittwoch, 10. August 2022 um 09:28:41 UTC+2:
    Now I got an idea how to asyncify the ISO core standard I/O.
    The idea is very simple and I try to solve one problem: How
    can we make for example get_code/2 asyncified, without

    sacrificing performance? I came up with this sketch:

    get_code(S, C) :- get_code_buffered(S, C), !.
    get_code(S, C) :- async_read_buffer(S), get_code(S, C).

    There are some unresolved issues in the above code, like
    how return end of file, i.e. -1 or how to deal with surrogate pairs.
    But essentially the idea is that the stream S has a buffer

    somewhere and that the fast path is to read from this buffer,
    and we only need to yield when we replenish the buffer via
    some I/O. This could give a quite fast asyncified get_code/2.

    Is there any Prolog system that did already something like this?
    I always see that get_code/2 is a primitive and was also folllowing
    this approach in my systems so far. In the above I bootstrap it from two

    other primitives, a synchronous one and a asynchronous one,
    make it itself not anymore primitive. get_code_buffered/2 would
    fail if it has reached the end of the buffer.
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@bursejan@gmail.com to comp.lang.prolog on Thu Feb 1 14:09:33 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Whats also working is async file I/O with node fs:
    Showing the promises (i.e. open_promise and file_read_promise)
    that get fullfilled in the course of action:

    ?- open('foo.txt', read, S), get_atom(S,-1,A), close(S).
    S = 0rReference, A = 'Hello World!'.

    This was not in the request for comments sketch that open
    itself is also asynchronous. Astonishingly error handling
    works also, as a side effect from interrupt signals I already

    developed in the spirit of the JavaScript AbortController.
    So I am just using the abort reason field to give the error back:

    ?- open('foo2.txt', read, S), get_atom(S,-1,A), close(S).
    Fehler: Datei 'foo2.txt' nicht gefunden.
    user auf 5

    This is a little bit ugly since it means I am using only 25% of
    the JavaScript Promise features, i.e. resolve() the other 50%
    and 25% are not using reject() and not using reolve with return

    value. What I am using to return values is the stream handle
    itself as a value holder. Maybe I can remove sometime in the future
    this uglyness. Ideally a concept of arbitrary FFI async predicates

    would be swell. Now its a little bit a hack. Next step asyncify
    fetch() in the browser. So as to get rid of my current use of
    synchronized XmlHttpRequest, which rightfully causes a warning

    in the browser saying it might block.

    Mild Shock schrieb am Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2024 um 23:01:46 UTC+1:
    Now I have a first prototype running:

    $ node dogelog.mjs
    ?- create_task((between(1,10,_), write(foo), nl, sleep(100), fail; true)). true.
    ?- foo

    The task is running, because the console read is now async.
    If it were not async and blocking, the task wouldn't continue running.

    Mostowski Collapse schrieb am Mittwoch, 10. August 2022 um 09:28:41 UTC+2:
    Now I got an idea how to asyncify the ISO core standard I/O.
    The idea is very simple and I try to solve one problem: How
    can we make for example get_code/2 asyncified, without

    sacrificing performance? I came up with this sketch:

    get_code(S, C) :- get_code_buffered(S, C), !.
    get_code(S, C) :- async_read_buffer(S), get_code(S, C).

    There are some unresolved issues in the above code, like
    how return end of file, i.e. -1 or how to deal with surrogate pairs.
    But essentially the idea is that the stream S has a buffer

    somewhere and that the fast path is to read from this buffer,
    and we only need to yield when we replenish the buffer via
    some I/O. This could give a quite fast asyncified get_code/2.

    Is there any Prolog system that did already something like this?
    I always see that get_code/2 is a primitive and was also folllowing
    this approach in my systems so far. In the above I bootstrap it from two

    other primitives, a synchronous one and a asynchronous one,
    make it itself not anymore primitive. get_code_buffered/2 would
    fail if it has reached the end of the buffer.
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@bursejan@gmail.com to comp.lang.prolog on Thu Feb 1 14:16:25 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Not sure whether I will asynchify file_property/2 predicate
    sa well. But I should somehow, since in the browser it is
    based on XmlHttpRequest with method HEAD. So if

    I don't get rid of that the browser will still issue a warning.

    Mild Shock schrieb am Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2024 um 23:09:35 UTC+1:
    Whats also working is async file I/O with node fs:
    Showing the promises (i.e. open_promise and file_read_promise)
    that get fullfilled in the course of action:

    ?- open('foo.txt', read, S), get_atom(S,-1,A), close(S).
    S = 0rReference, A = 'Hello World!'.

    This was not in the request for comments sketch that open
    itself is also asynchronous. Astonishingly error handling
    works also, as a side effect from interrupt signals I already

    developed in the spirit of the JavaScript AbortController.
    So I am just using the abort reason field to give the error back:

    ?- open('foo2.txt', read, S), get_atom(S,-1,A), close(S).
    Fehler: Datei 'foo2.txt' nicht gefunden.
    user auf 5

    This is a little bit ugly since it means I am using only 25% of
    the JavaScript Promise features, i.e. resolve() the other 50%
    and 25% are not using reject() and not using reolve with return

    value. What I am using to return values is the stream handle
    itself as a value holder. Maybe I can remove sometime in the future
    this uglyness. Ideally a concept of arbitrary FFI async predicates

    would be swell. Now its a little bit a hack. Next step asyncify
    fetch() in the browser. So as to get rid of my current use of
    synchronized XmlHttpRequest, which rightfully causes a warning

    in the browser saying it might block.
    Mild Shock schrieb am Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2024 um 23:01:46 UTC+1:
    Now I have a first prototype running:

    $ node dogelog.mjs
    ?- create_task((between(1,10,_), write(foo), nl, sleep(100), fail; true)). true.
    ?- foo

    The task is running, because the console read is now async.
    If it were not async and blocking, the task wouldn't continue running.

    Mostowski Collapse schrieb am Mittwoch, 10. August 2022 um 09:28:41 UTC+2:
    Now I got an idea how to asyncify the ISO core standard I/O.
    The idea is very simple and I try to solve one problem: How
    can we make for example get_code/2 asyncified, without

    sacrificing performance? I came up with this sketch:

    get_code(S, C) :- get_code_buffered(S, C), !.
    get_code(S, C) :- async_read_buffer(S), get_code(S, C).

    There are some unresolved issues in the above code, like
    how return end of file, i.e. -1 or how to deal with surrogate pairs.
    But essentially the idea is that the stream S has a buffer

    somewhere and that the fast path is to read from this buffer,
    and we only need to yield when we replenish the buffer via
    some I/O. This could give a quite fast asyncified get_code/2.

    Is there any Prolog system that did already something like this?
    I always see that get_code/2 is a primitive and was also folllowing
    this approach in my systems so far. In the above I bootstrap it from two

    other primitives, a synchronous one and a asynchronous one,
    make it itself not anymore primitive. get_code_buffered/2 would
    fail if it has reached the end of the buffer.
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@bursejan@gmail.com to comp.lang.prolog on Wed Feb 14 03:38:52 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Now that we have implemented Async I/O for Dogelog Player,
    we braught some of the principles already also to formerly
    Jekejeke Prolog. Like we could get rid of compression.

    But the venture has multiple goals:

    - Goal 1: Async I/O, decompressed makes it simpler.

    - Goal 2: Novacore, have a smaller core.

    So what about Goal 2? One idea behind Goal 2 is to have
    a single interface for text and binary streams. Even maybe
    allow changing the encoding midflight.

    This can be helpful for example in MIME multipart/mixed writing
    or reading. So we have to get rid of some Java-ism and ISO-ism:

    - ISO-ism: Have separate get_byte/[1,2] and get_code/[1,2],
    we have to get rid of that. We are planning to realize binary streams
    by an encoding such as "8bit" or "latin1" not yet sure how this
    works out. Also the encoding should be mutable.

    - Java-ism: In Java starting with BufferedReader and on top
    LineNumberReader line sparators such as '\n', '\r' and '\r\n'
    area compressed into '\n'. We have also to get rid of that if want
    to processs binary streams with the text API.

    There is no encoding parameter yet in Dogelog Player, its all
    hardcoded "utf8". And formerly Jekejeke Prolog has an
    encoding parameter but its immutable. So we will work on this
    as well.
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@bursejan@gmail.com to comp.lang.prolog on Wed Feb 14 03:48:11 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Getting rid of the Java-ism of compression was quite fun. We
    tried to push it to its limits. So the tokenizer written 100%
    in Prolog now preserves '\n', '\r' and '\r\n'. But then when we for

    example generate HTML we have to replace the line terminator
    by </div></div>. So how to do this without falling back to an
    atom_split/2 with separator '\n' and do it correctly?

    Its a litte bit tricky, like for example an input such as 'abc\r'
    should have a line count of 2. So anything that views '\r' as
    padding will go wrong. The following works fine:

    * sys_split_lines(L, I, O):
    * The predicate succeeds in L with the lines
    * of the input I and output O codes.
    % sys_split_lines(-List, +List, -List)
    sys_split_lines([A|L]) -->
    sys_split_line(X), {atom_codes(A,X)},

    % sys_split_more(-List, +List, -List)
    sys_split_more([A|L]) --> sys_convert_sep, !,
    sys_split_line(X), {atom_codes(A,X)},
    sys_split_more([]) --> [].

    % sys_split_line(-List, +List, -List)
    sys_split_line([X|L]) --> \+ sys_convert_sep, [X], !,
    sys_split_line([]) --> [].

    The above uses DCG (\+)/1 (% 7.14.11) banned (sic!) by Scryer Prolog.
    Where the line separators are kind of plugable, currently defined as follows, but can be an arbitrary set of arbitrary long code combinations:

    % sys_convert_sep(+List, -List)
    sys_convert_sep --> [0'\r, 0'\n].
    sys_convert_sep --> [0'\n].
    sys_convert_sep --> [0'\r].

    BTW: I think SWI-Prolog already implements some of the ideas
    like encoding switching, which we do not have a demonstrator
    for yet. But its a little bit weak and stubborn concerning line

    terminators refuses to support CRLF.

    Mild Shock schrieb am Mittwoch, 14. Februar 2024 um 12:38:56 UTC+1:
    Now that we have implemented Async I/O for Dogelog Player,
    we braught some of the principles already also to formerly
    Jekejeke Prolog. Like we could get rid of compression.

    But the venture has multiple goals:

    - Goal 1: Async I/O, decompressed makes it simpler.

    - Goal 2: Novacore, have a smaller core.

    So what about Goal 2? One idea behind Goal 2 is to have
    a single interface for text and binary streams. Even maybe
    allow changing the encoding midflight.

    This can be helpful for example in MIME multipart/mixed writing
    or reading. So we have to get rid of some Java-ism and ISO-ism:

    - ISO-ism: Have separate get_byte/[1,2] and get_code/[1,2],
    we have to get rid of that. We are planning to realize binary streams
    by an encoding such as "8bit" or "latin1" not yet sure how this
    works out. Also the encoding should be mutable.

    - Java-ism: In Java starting with BufferedReader and on top
    LineNumberReader line sparators such as '\n', '\r' and '\r\n'
    area compressed into '\n'. We have also to get rid of that if want
    to processs binary streams with the text API.

    There is no encoding parameter yet in Dogelog Player, its all
    hardcoded "utf8". And formerly Jekejeke Prolog has an
    encoding parameter but its immutable. So we will work on this
    as well.
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@bursejan@gmail.com to comp.lang.prolog on Wed Feb 14 04:01:50 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Also Scryer Prolog and Trealla Prolog might have shoot
    themselves into the foot by usually prefering chars over codes.
    This somehow makes a greater divide between text and binary,

    but for practical purposes such as MIME multipart/mixed
    we have to work the other way around, closing the abyss between
    text and binary. Just make it look the same. According to

    this principle:

    KISS, an acronym for "Keep it simple, stupid!" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle

    Just how these things such as MIME multipart/mixed possibly
    evolved. People had mostlike switchable encoders and binary
    streams, and not a wall between text and binary.

    Not sure whether encoding such as EBCDIC is an argument
    in favor of chars? But for example adding NEL to the line separators
    shouldn't be a problem in itself. In case an EBCDIC to Unicode

    encoder insists on produce this code point for line separators.

    Mild Shock schrieb am Mittwoch, 14. Februar 2024 um 12:48:13 UTC+1:
    Getting rid of the Java-ism of compression was quite fun. We
    tried to push it to its limits. So the tokenizer written 100%
    in Prolog now preserves '\n', '\r' and '\r\n'. But then when we for

    example generate HTML we have to replace the line terminator
    by </div></div>. So how to do this without falling back to an
    atom_split/2 with separator '\n' and do it correctly?

    Its a litte bit tricky, like for example an input such as 'abc\r'
    should have a line count of 2. So anything that views '\r' as
    padding will go wrong. The following works fine:

    * sys_split_lines(L, I, O):
    * The predicate succeeds in L with the lines
    * of the input I and output O codes.
    % sys_split_lines(-List, +List, -List)
    sys_split_lines([A|L]) -->
    sys_split_line(X), {atom_codes(A,X)},

    % sys_split_more(-List, +List, -List)
    sys_split_more([A|L]) --> sys_convert_sep, !,
    sys_split_line(X), {atom_codes(A,X)},
    sys_split_more([]) --> [].

    % sys_split_line(-List, +List, -List)
    sys_split_line([X|L]) --> \+ sys_convert_sep, [X], !,
    sys_split_line([]) --> [].

    The above uses DCG (\+)/1 (% 7.14.11) banned (sic!) by Scryer Prolog.
    Where the line separators are kind of plugable, currently defined as follows,
    but can be an arbitrary set of arbitrary long code combinations:

    % sys_convert_sep(+List, -List)
    sys_convert_sep --> [0'\r, 0'\n].
    sys_convert_sep --> [0'\n].
    sys_convert_sep --> [0'\r].

    BTW: I think SWI-Prolog already implements some of the ideas
    like encoding switching, which we do not have a demonstrator
    for yet. But its a little bit weak and stubborn concerning line

    terminators refuses to support CRLF.
    Mild Shock schrieb am Mittwoch, 14. Februar 2024 um 12:38:56 UTC+1:
    Now that we have implemented Async I/O for Dogelog Player,
    we braught some of the principles already also to formerly
    Jekejeke Prolog. Like we could get rid of compression.

    But the venture has multiple goals:

    - Goal 1: Async I/O, decompressed makes it simpler.

    - Goal 2: Novacore, have a smaller core.

    So what about Goal 2? One idea behind Goal 2 is to have
    a single interface for text and binary streams. Even maybe
    allow changing the encoding midflight.

    This can be helpful for example in MIME multipart/mixed writing
    or reading. So we have to get rid of some Java-ism and ISO-ism:

    - ISO-ism: Have separate get_byte/[1,2] and get_code/[1,2],
    we have to get rid of that. We are planning to realize binary streams
    by an encoding such as "8bit" or "latin1" not yet sure how this
    works out. Also the encoding should be mutable.

    - Java-ism: In Java starting with BufferedReader and on top LineNumberReader line sparators such as '\n', '\r' and '\r\n'
    area compressed into '\n'. We have also to get rid of that if want
    to processs binary streams with the text API.

    There is no encoding parameter yet in Dogelog Player, its all
    hardcoded "utf8". And formerly Jekejeke Prolog has an
    encoding parameter but its immutable. So we will work on this
    as well.
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@bursejan@gmail.com to comp.lang.prolog on Wed Feb 14 04:39:33 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Although the newline compression Java-ism is a pain
    in the ass. Something else is quite nice to close the gap
    between text and binary. Here is a comparison of two

    string encodings, since we are planning to use simply
    Prolog atoms and thus strings for binary payload. Both
    Dogelog Player and formerly Jekejeke Prolog are already

    good with huge amount of atoms based on native strings,
    no artificial string Prolog type is needed. So what are the
    options for atoms based on native strings:

    - UTF-8 native strings: Doesn't work well with the envisioned
    "latin1" payload, the range 0..255 is encoded in either 1 byte or
    2 bytes. Would need to have clever strings that switch
    encoding between "utf8" and "latin1".

    - UTF-16 native strings: Does work well with the envisioned
    "latin1" payload, the range 0..255 is encoded in one 16-bit word,
    which is two bytes, but most programming language already
    implement clever strings:

    JEP 254: Compact Strings
    We propose to change the internal representation of the String class
    from a UTF-16 char array to a byte array plus an encoding-flag field.
    The new String class will store characters encoded either as ISO-8859-1/ Latin-1 (one byte per character), or as UTF-16 (two bytes per character), based upon the contents of the string. The encoding flag will indicate
    which encoding is used.

    So the idea is not to introduce a special byte array type or
    some such. The plan is to carry around byte arrays as ordinary
    Prolog atoms, which are in effect mapped to the target

    native strings, that are anyway already optimized for byte
    payload, this will cost us nothing, just use the target
    native strings for the targets Java, Python and JavaScript.

    Mild Shock schrieb am Mittwoch, 14. Februar 2024 um 13:01:52 UTC+1:
    Also Scryer Prolog and Trealla Prolog might have shoot
    themselves into the foot by usually prefering chars over codes.
    This somehow makes a greater divide between text and binary,

    but for practical purposes such as MIME multipart/mixed
    we have to work the other way around, closing the abyss between
    text and binary. Just make it look the same. According to

    this principle:

    KISS, an acronym for "Keep it simple, stupid!" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle

    Just how these things such as MIME multipart/mixed possibly
    evolved. People had mostlike switchable encoders and binary
    streams, and not a wall between text and binary.

    Not sure whether encoding such as EBCDIC is an argument
    in favor of chars? But for example adding NEL to the line separators shouldn't be a problem in itself. In case an EBCDIC to Unicode

    encoder insists on produce this code point for line separators.
    Mild Shock schrieb am Mittwoch, 14. Februar 2024 um 12:48:13 UTC+1:
    Getting rid of the Java-ism of compression was quite fun. We
    tried to push it to its limits. So the tokenizer written 100%
    in Prolog now preserves '\n', '\r' and '\r\n'. But then when we for

    example generate HTML we have to replace the line terminator
    by </div></div>. So how to do this without falling back to an
    atom_split/2 with separator '\n' and do it correctly?

    Its a litte bit tricky, like for example an input such as 'abc\r'
    should have a line count of 2. So anything that views '\r' as
    padding will go wrong. The following works fine:

    * sys_split_lines(L, I, O):
    * The predicate succeeds in L with the lines
    * of the input I and output O codes.
    % sys_split_lines(-List, +List, -List)
    sys_split_lines([A|L]) -->
    sys_split_line(X), {atom_codes(A,X)},

    % sys_split_more(-List, +List, -List)
    sys_split_more([A|L]) --> sys_convert_sep, !,
    sys_split_line(X), {atom_codes(A,X)},
    sys_split_more([]) --> [].

    % sys_split_line(-List, +List, -List)
    sys_split_line([X|L]) --> \+ sys_convert_sep, [X], !,
    sys_split_line([]) --> [].

    The above uses DCG (\+)/1 (% 7.14.11) banned (sic!) by Scryer Prolog. Where the line separators are kind of plugable, currently defined as follows,
    but can be an arbitrary set of arbitrary long code combinations:

    % sys_convert_sep(+List, -List)
    sys_convert_sep --> [0'\r, 0'\n].
    sys_convert_sep --> [0'\n].
    sys_convert_sep --> [0'\r].

    BTW: I think SWI-Prolog already implements some of the ideas
    like encoding switching, which we do not have a demonstrator
    for yet. But its a little bit weak and stubborn concerning line

    terminators refuses to support CRLF.
    Mild Shock schrieb am Mittwoch, 14. Februar 2024 um 12:38:56 UTC+1:
    Now that we have implemented Async I/O for Dogelog Player,
    we braught some of the principles already also to formerly
    Jekejeke Prolog. Like we could get rid of compression.

    But the venture has multiple goals:

    - Goal 1: Async I/O, decompressed makes it simpler.

    - Goal 2: Novacore, have a smaller core.

    So what about Goal 2? One idea behind Goal 2 is to have
    a single interface for text and binary streams. Even maybe
    allow changing the encoding midflight.

    This can be helpful for example in MIME multipart/mixed writing
    or reading. So we have to get rid of some Java-ism and ISO-ism:

    - ISO-ism: Have separate get_byte/[1,2] and get_code/[1,2],
    we have to get rid of that. We are planning to realize binary streams
    by an encoding such as "8bit" or "latin1" not yet sure how this
    works out. Also the encoding should be mutable.

    - Java-ism: In Java starting with BufferedReader and on top LineNumberReader line sparators such as '\n', '\r' and '\r\n'
    area compressed into '\n'. We have also to get rid of that if want
    to processs binary streams with the text API.

    There is no encoding parameter yet in Dogelog Player, its all
    hardcoded "utf8". And formerly Jekejeke Prolog has an
    encoding parameter but its immutable. So we will work on this
    as well.
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@janburse@fastmail.fm to comp.lang.prolog on Thu Feb 22 11:18:20 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Now asyncifying I/O of Dogelog Player for Python.
    I guess we got our head around the equivalents
    of our Java Surrogate async/await constructs

    "Promise" and "Coroutine". The key utilities among
    asyncio are asyncio.to_thread an asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe,
    which seem toe especially made for the two use cases.

    Namely what was our Java Surrogate "Promise" wrapper,
    now looks like here, what a wonderful code gem:

    async def console_promise(buf, stream):
    res = await asyncio.to_thread(blocking_readline, stream.data)
    stream.buf = res
    stream.pos = 0
    except IOError as err:
    register_signal(buf, map_stream_error(err))

    def blocking_readline(data):
    return data.readline()

    And what was our Java Surrogate "Coroutine" wrapper,
    now looks like here, what a wonderful code gem again:

    def test_sys_http_server_on(args):
    obj.func = lambda req, res: baby_come_back(
    launch_async(clause, buf, [req, res]), loop)

    def baby_come_back(coro, loop):
    future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, loop)
    return future.result()

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@janburse@fastmail.fm to comp.lang.prolog on Thu Feb 22 11:26:34 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    But its much more complicated than what we did
    for JDK 21. Also starting the HTTP server in a separate
    thread is extremly frightening:

    def test_http_server_listen(args):
    thread = threading.Thread(target=blocking_forever, args=(obj,))

    def blocking_forever(obj):

    Its extremly frightening since the Thread docu warns us:

    Thread-based parallelism
    In CPython, due to the Global Interpreter Lock,
    only one thread can execute Python code at once https://docs.python.org/3/library/threading.html

    global interpreter lock
    Also, the GIL is always released when doing I/O.
    Past efforts to create a “free-threaded” interpreter
    have not been successful https://docs.python.org/3/glossary.html#term-global-interpreter-lock

    But still, our use of asyncio.to_thread and
    asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe capitalizes on
    that the GIL is nevertheless released during I/O,

    and we don't see much issue here.

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    Now asyncifying I/O of Dogelog Player for Python.
    I guess we got our head around the equivalents
    of our Java Surrogate async/await constructs

    "Promise" and "Coroutine". The key utilities among
    asyncio are asyncio.to_thread an asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe,
    which seem toe especially made for the two use cases.

    Namely what was our Java Surrogate "Promise" wrapper,
    now looks like here, what a wonderful code gem:

    async def console_promise(buf, stream):
            res = await asyncio.to_thread(blocking_readline, stream.data)
            stream.buf = res
            stream.pos = 0
        except IOError as err:
            register_signal(buf, map_stream_error(err))

    def blocking_readline(data):
        return data.readline()

    And what was our Java Surrogate "Coroutine" wrapper,
    now looks like here, what a wonderful code gem again:

    def test_sys_http_server_on(args):
        obj.func = lambda req, res: baby_come_back(
                launch_async(clause, buf, [req, res]), loop)

    def baby_come_back(coro, loop):
        future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, loop)
        return future.result()


    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@bursejan@gmail.com to comp.lang.prolog on Thu Feb 22 03:49:59 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Conclusions so far:
    Super fast Phyton makes you bald, loose your protein
    filaments that grow from follicles found in your head dermis. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonbrownlee/
    Why? Because there is no super fast Python. By default
    the Python byte code cannot use multiple cores!
    Mild Shock schrieb am Donnerstag, 22. Februar 2024 um 11:26:37 UTC+1:
    But its much more complicated than what we did
    for JDK 21. Also starting the HTTP server in a separate
    thread is extremly frightening:

    def test_http_server_listen(args):
    thread = threading.Thread(target=blocking_forever, args=(obj,)) thread.start()

    def blocking_forever(obj):

    Its extremly frightening since the Thread docu warns us:

    Thread-based parallelism
    In CPython, due to the Global Interpreter Lock,
    only one thread can execute Python code at once https://docs.python.org/3/library/threading.html

    global interpreter lock
    Also, the GIL is always released when doing I/O.
    Past efforts to create a “free-threaded” interpreter
    have not been successful https://docs.python.org/3/glossary.html#term-global-interpreter-lock

    But still, our use of asyncio.to_thread and
    asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe capitalizes on
    that the GIL is nevertheless released during I/O,

    and we don't see much issue here.

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    Now asyncifying I/O of Dogelog Player for Python.
    I guess we got our head around the equivalents
    of our Java Surrogate async/await constructs

    "Promise" and "Coroutine". The key utilities among
    asyncio are asyncio.to_thread an asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe,
    which seem toe especially made for the two use cases.

    Namely what was our Java Surrogate "Promise" wrapper,
    now looks like here, what a wonderful code gem:

    async def console_promise(buf, stream):
    res = await asyncio.to_thread(blocking_readline, stream.data)
    stream.buf = res
    stream.pos = 0
    except IOError as err:
    register_signal(buf, map_stream_error(err))

    def blocking_readline(data):
    return data.readline()

    And what was our Java Surrogate "Coroutine" wrapper,
    now looks like here, what a wonderful code gem again:

    def test_sys_http_server_on(args):
    obj.func = lambda req, res: baby_come_back(
    launch_async(clause, buf, [req, res]), loop)

    def baby_come_back(coro, loop):
    future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, loop)
    return future.result()

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@janburse@fastmail.fm to comp.lang.prolog on Tue Mar 5 15:08:31 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Ha Ha, now Scyer Prolog wants also
    byte friendly compact strings:

    2. introduce a compact internal representation for lists of bytes,
    which appear to Prolog programs as lists of characters. https://github.com/mthom/scryer-prolog/blob/master/src/lib/crypto.pl#L867C2-L868C63

    But they motivated it by security concerns,
    whereas my concern was to get rid of ISO-ism
    making a distinction between text and byte streams,

    on the Prolog API levels. It would be all codes.

    Mostowski Collapse schrieb:
    - UTF-16 native strings: Does work well with the envisioned
    "latin1" payload, the range 0..255 is encoded in one 16-bit word,
    which is two bytes, but most programming language already
    implement clever strings:

    JEP 254: Compact Strings
    We propose to change the internal representation of the String class
    from a UTF-16 char array to a byte array plus an encoding-flag field.
    The new String class will store characters encoded either as ISO-8859-1/ Latin-1 (one byte per character), or as UTF-16 (two bytes per character), based upon the contents of the string. The encoding flag will indicate
    which encoding is used.

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@janburse@fastmail.fm to comp.lang.prolog on Sat Mar 16 01:29:02 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Now I have rewritten the Tic-Tac-Toe example
    to be 100% Prolog. Originally the Tic-Tac-Toe example
    was conceived as a first stab in exploring the

    foreign function interface (FFI) of Dogelog Player
    inside the browser to register JavaScript functions
    that do all kind of stuff with the DOM and events.

    But now I have library(markup) for DOM generation
    and library(react) for events. So I rewrote Tic-Tac-Toe
    using these utilities, reducing the amount of

    JavaScript logic to zero. Tic-Tac-Toe is now 100% Prolog.
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@janburse@fastmail.fm to comp.lang.prolog on Sat Mar 16 01:39:50 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    What also went down the drain abusing consult_async()
    to do the game intialization, instead I am now using
    perform_async(). So the code went from dangerous.

    await consult_async(":- ensure_loaded('browser.p').");

    dangerous because of possible file name quoting issues.
    To this where the file name is a string object and doesn't
    need to be Prolog encoded, because we don't invoke a Prolog

    text encoded query but a Prolog term:

    await perform_async(new Compound("ensure_loaded", ["browser.p"]));

    In has far we should make some Hydration experiment.
    What is Hydration. Its a new buzzword around the partially
    obsolete design, to have first the HTML body in a broswer

    doument and then at the end of the HTML body some scripts:

    r/webdev - What is Hydration? https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/xqd4i8/what_is_hydration/

    The bundle end of HTML body design has usually takes
    time time(html)+time(bundle). A better deisgn is unsing
    async loading and the quasi-parallelism of the browser,

    and load the bundle in the head if possible. The load time
    is then around max(time(bundle), time(html))). which might
    give better user experience. We should try the same

    for our examples, load Dogelog Player in the head. But
    the Prolog text loader is not yet task safe. So this might
    involve some more work until we can try it.

    Also we might nevertheless want to do a little hydration
    when the HTML body is read, like wiring event handlers.

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    Now I have rewritten the Tic-Tac-Toe example
    to be 100% Prolog. Originally the Tic-Tac-Toe example
    was conceived as a first stab in exploring the

    foreign function interface (FFI) of Dogelog Player
    inside the browser to register JavaScript functions
    that do all kind of stuff with the DOM and events.

    But now I have library(markup) for DOM generation
    and library(react) for events. So I rewrote Tic-Tac-Toe
    using these utilities, reducing the amount of

    JavaScript logic to zero. Tic-Tac-Toe is now 100% Prolog.

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@janburse@fastmail.fm to comp.lang.prolog on Sat Mar 16 01:48:44 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Note because of the await in front of the
    perform_async() our loading doesn't create a task yet.
    It will change the current load sequence. It will

    only allow that tasks create before the await get
    their share of work. We would need to add one of our
    create_task utilities, or use the async option of a

    script tag, as recommened here for MathJax v3:

    /* put this in the head */
    <script type="text/javascript" id="MathJax-script" async

    The async option of a script tag is described as:

    "For module scripts, if the async attribute is
    present then the scripts and all their dependencies
    will be fetched in parallel to parsing and evaluated
    as soon as they are available." https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/script#async

    Mild Shock schrieb:

    What also went down the drain abusing consult_async()
    to do the game intialization, instead I am now using
    perform_async(). So the code went from dangerous.

        await consult_async(":- ensure_loaded('browser.p').");

    dangerous because of possible file name quoting issues.
    To this where the file name is a string object and doesn't
    need to be Prolog encoded, because we don't invoke a Prolog

    text encoded query but a Prolog term:

        await perform_async(new Compound("ensure_loaded", ["browser.p"]));

    In has far we should make some Hydration experiment.
    What is Hydration. Its a new buzzword around the partially
    obsolete design, to have first the HTML body in a broswer

    doument and then at the end of the HTML body some scripts:

    r/webdev - What is Hydration? https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/xqd4i8/what_is_hydration/

    The bundle end of HTML body design has usually takes
    time time(html)+time(bundle). A better deisgn is unsing
    async loading and the quasi-parallelism of the browser,

    and load the bundle in the head if possible. The load time
    is then around max(time(bundle), time(html))). which might
    give better user experience. We should try the same

    for our examples, load Dogelog Player in the head. But
    the Prolog text loader is not yet task safe. So this might
    involve some more work until we can try it.

    Also we might nevertheless want to do a little hydration
    when the HTML body is read, like wiring event handlers.

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    Now I have rewritten the Tic-Tac-Toe example
    to be 100% Prolog. Originally the Tic-Tac-Toe example
    was conceived as a first stab in exploring the

    foreign function interface (FFI) of Dogelog Player
    inside the browser to register JavaScript functions
    that do all kind of stuff with the DOM and events.

    But now I have library(markup) for DOM generation
    and library(react) for events. So I rewrote Tic-Tac-Toe
    using these utilities, reducing the amount of

    JavaScript logic to zero. Tic-Tac-Toe is now 100% Prolog.

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@janburse@fastmail.fm to comp.lang.prolog on Sat Mar 16 01:53:08 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Corr. Typo

    It will NOT change the current load sequence.

    Mild Shock schrieb:

    Note because of the await in front of the
    perform_async() our loading doesn't create a task yet.
    It will change the current load sequence. It will

    only allow that tasks create before the await get
    their share of work. We would need to add one of our
    create_task utilities, or use the async option of a

    script tag, as recommened here for MathJax v3:

    /* put this in the head */
    <script type="text/javascript" id="MathJax-script" async

    The async option of a script tag is described as:

    "For module scripts, if the async attribute is
    present then the scripts and all their dependencies
    will be fetched in parallel to parsing and evaluated
    as soon as they are available." https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/script#async

    Mild Shock schrieb:

    What also went down the drain abusing consult_async()
    to do the game intialization, instead I am now using
    perform_async(). So the code went from dangerous.

         await consult_async(":- ensure_loaded('browser.p').");

    dangerous because of possible file name quoting issues.
    To this where the file name is a string object and doesn't
    need to be Prolog encoded, because we don't invoke a Prolog

    text encoded query but a Prolog term:

         await perform_async(new Compound("ensure_loaded", ["browser.p"])); >>
    In has far we should make some Hydration experiment.
    What is Hydration. Its a new buzzword around the partially
    obsolete design, to have first the HTML body in a broswer

    doument and then at the end of the HTML body some scripts:

    r/webdev - What is Hydration?

    The bundle end of HTML body design has usually takes
    time time(html)+time(bundle). A better deisgn is unsing
    async loading and the quasi-parallelism of the browser,

    and load the bundle in the head if possible. The load time
    is then around max(time(bundle), time(html))). which might
    give better user experience. We should try the same

    for our examples, load Dogelog Player in the head. But
    the Prolog text loader is not yet task safe. So this might
    involve some more work until we can try it.

    Also we might nevertheless want to do a little hydration
    when the HTML body is read, like wiring event handlers.

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    Now I have rewritten the Tic-Tac-Toe example
    to be 100% Prolog. Originally the Tic-Tac-Toe example
    was conceived as a first stab in exploring the

    foreign function interface (FFI) of Dogelog Player
    inside the browser to register JavaScript functions
    that do all kind of stuff with the DOM and events.

    But now I have library(markup) for DOM generation
    and library(react) for events. So I rewrote Tic-Tac-Toe
    using these utilities, reducing the amount of

    JavaScript logic to zero. Tic-Tac-Toe is now 100% Prolog.

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114