• JavaScript AI Mind uses EnVerbGen() for English verb-form inflections.

    From mentificium@mentificium@gmail.com to comp.lang.javascript on Thu Oct 11 22:08:28 2018
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.javascript

    The JavaScript tutorial version of the first working artificial intelligence is becoming more sophisticated than ever. With roughly fifty mind-modules, the Strong AI advances the State of the Art first in one area, and then serendipitously in another area. For instance, the ability of the AI Mind to engage in automated reasoning with logical inference leads to a question-and-answer session between human minds and their incipient overlords, i.e., the current archetypes of the future Artificial Super-Intelligence (ASI). When the human user has confirmed or negated an inferred conclusion from the InFererence() module, the AI assigns a heightened truth-value to the positive or negative knowledge remaining in the AI memory. Then the AI states the new knowledge in its positive or negative formulation. A negated inference comes out something like "GOD DOES NOT PLAY DICE". A validated inference becomes a simple declarative sentence like "JOHNNY READS BOOKS", which requires the AI Mind to choose the correct form of the verb "read".
    Because we code the first working artificial intelligence not only in English but also in Russian, we found it necessary several years ago to create the RuVerbGen() module for Russian verb-generation. When the ghost.pl AI cannot find a needed Russian verb-form, it simply cobbles one together from the stem of the Russian verb and the inflectional endings which complete a Russian verb. We avoided this problem in English for the last six years by simply ignoring it, but now the AI Mind needs to imitate the RuVerbGen() module with the EnVerbGen() module for English verb-generation. Just to change "God does not play dice" to "God plays dice" requires attaching an inflectional "S" to the stem or the infinitive form of the verb "play". As we code the EnVerbGen() module based on grammatical parameters, we encounter problems because the software needs to know the grammatical person and the grammatical number of the subject of an inferred idea in order to think a thought like "God plays dice" or "Johnny reads books".
    Because the InFerence() module has not been storing the grammatical number of the English noun serving as the subject of a silent inference, our brand-new EnVerbGen() module has not been able to generate the third-person singular verb-form necessary for stating a validated inference like "Johnny reads books" or "Fortune favors fools" -- which was originally "Fortuna favet fatuis" in Latin. The artificial general intelligence (AGI) has become so sophisticated in its resemblance to human thinking that we need to change the InFerence() module to accommodate the requirements of the EnVerbGen() module.
    We make the necessary changes and we code EnVerbGen() to deal not with Russian but with English verbs. We see a sample dialog between the AI and the human user.
    Human: andru is professor
    Human: yes
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