From Newsgroup: comp.lang.fortran
Lynn McGuire <> schrieb:
On 1/12/2024 7:54 AM, db wrote:
I have a program that reads a file of birthdays and prints
out impending ones when I activate my (Linux) console.
It first prints a header
print '(/" Birthdays:")'
Is it possible to get it to print that in bold or a colour?
If yes, how?
Ok, I'll bite. So what is the device that you are printing to ?
If the device is a screen then there are control codes that you must
print also.
If the device is a file then, no way. This is the reason that HTML was invented.
Or rather, there are quite a number of ways, depending on how
the file is interpreted afterwards.
Writing HTML to a file and then loading it into a browser is certainly
one way. One thing I someitmes do to write out PostScript from
a Fortran program, where you could use setgrbcolor.
Or you can write out Markdown and insert HTML color.
Or you can...
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