Hola Marcos!
El Miércoles 03 Enero 2018 a las 17:31, Marcos Pastor escribió a All:
No sé si sirve igual con retraso, pero hoy he brindado yo por él en el curro.
*What is the Tolkien Birthday Toast?*
Each year on 3 January, the Tolkien Society encourages Tolkien fans from across
the world to celebrate the Professor's birthday with a simple toast-drinking ceremony.
At 9pm your local time, simply raise a glass and toast the birthday of this much loved author. The toast is simply:
The Professor!
All you need to do is stand, raise a glass of your choice of drink (not necessarily alcoholic), and say the words "The Professor" before taking a sip (or swig, if that's more appropriate for your drink). Sit and enjoy the rest of
your drink.
Note that we do not condone drinking alcohol if it endangers the health or safety of the drinker or others, or contravenes the law.
A reveure!!
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... Estamos atrapados en la cultura de la prisa y de la falta de paciencia.
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