On 6/5/2020 6:54 AM, between "mark lewis : August Abolins":
I think violators should be upside down!
43'X'W'0069'744069-13-64'u? uoq'aS'-=X=I== '802'
doesn't work properly... and this editor doesn't quote UTF-8
properly, either...
Yeah... I can see that. You're sending with CP437. So.. technically you don't belong here anyway! Scoot. LOL
anyway, the numbers are not flipped and neither are the? n
nor??... i won't mention cheating and using the apostrophy
as a comma which is also "not proper" ;)
i mean, if you're gonna flip it, flip it all... properly -
I thought the apostrophe was a fine substitute for the comma.
Yeah, I goofed with some of the numbers.
9 for 6 would work. E for 3. L for 7. ..etc. 4 is a problem.
But the whole matter is not as "not proper" than the original violation.
Apsolītās ogas neaizpildīs grozu.
--- Thunderbird (Windows/20100228)
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