On Thu, 21 May 2015, Roger Shays wrote to All:
separate nodes to still be using the My Name I logged in one
client as me and one client as my wife and when I went into say
clans it showed me as user on both nodes in the game
each node has to have its own dropfile... they have to have different names (eg: dorinfo1.def, dorinfo2.def) or they have to be in different directories where the door can find them (eg: node1/door.sys, node2/door.sys)...
hopefully TG has a macro that can be placed in the command line for the door which gives the node number... if so, then that may be able to be used in the bat file for the door to tell it where to look...
as an example, on my RA system, *N is the node number macro... my node directories are named Nx where 'x' is the node number so node1 is running from bbs/n1 and node2 is running from bbs/n2... then in the bat file i use %1 if the *N is the first parameter of the command line calling the bat file...
eg: thisdoor.bat *N *M
then in thisdoor.bat i have
@echo off
cd this_door_directory
runthisdoor /node=%1 dropfile=\bbs\n%1\door.sys
the above is all pure example but it should help you get going... you'll need to see what your door uses if it is even multinode aware or multinode capable... some doors are not and you have to block access to other nodes while someone is playing...
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