• "Shoulds"

    From Ardith Hinton@1:153/716 to James Bradley on Thu Jan 6 23:52:10 2011
    Hi, James... happy Twelfth Night, Epiphany, Feast of the Theophany, Gregorian Christmas, or whatever! Recently you wrote in a message to Ardith Hinton:

    [...] I recognize that I come from a long line of people
    whose philosophy Elizabeth the Queen Mother explained quite
    succinctly (IIRC) as "You just carry on."

    Stalwart, stoic, good little soldiers are we to follow
    the Queen Mum!

    And do our duty, of course.... Q-)

    <chuckle> Likely, the better lesson is how to tune into
    those warning signs to better be *able* to "carry on".

    I was a slow learner in PE... but I'll get there eventually. :-))

    [...] should we walk differently to develop more blisters,
    or stop to dress the wound and put on a pair of dry socks?
    (BTW, two pairs of dry, clean socks almost eliminates
    blisters on the feet for those reading.)

    Hadn't heard that one. I've made a mental note.... :-)

    If it hurts when I try to do such-and-such, maybe I need
    to back off for the time being.... :-)

    But, licking our wounds is seen as a negative trait. <G+D>

    Yet I've read that saliva... dog saliva in particular... has healing
    properties! Seriously, though... there are various ways of accomplishing tasks
    which need to be done without shopping for sympathy or dumping them on somebody
    else. If my body objects when I persist in doing what I've always done without
    devoting much thought to it, a closer examination may be in order. :-)

    I used to be so encouraged that I inherited mom's low BP.
    Now, I learned about all the other things I am likely to
    have inherited from my parents.

    OTOH, if you need medication for these things which raises the blood
    pressure as a side effect you'll have one less side effect to worry about. ;-)

    I suppose I *should* stop smoking, and cut down on the
    sulfides and other bad foods. <...>

    Ah... the tyranny of the "shoulds"! Although I'm tempted to write a
    long diatribe here, I'd like to get back to you within the current century. In
    short: Who is telling you what you should do? Have they any idea what's going
    on in your life right now? And are you aware that generally accepted ideas WRT
    "good" or "bad" may be influenced as much by the whims of fashion or by a lobby
    group as by an increase in scientific knowledge? I much prefer Bernie Siegel's
    attitude... you'll do the above if & when you're ready. Meanwhile there may be
    benefits from your standpoint which others have not taken into account.... :-)

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Wits' End, Vancouver CANADA (1:153/716)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to ARDITH HINTON on Sat Mar 3 02:31:00 2018

    I was a slow learner in PE... but I'll get there eventually. :-))

    I probably would've flunked it. :P

    Ah... the tyranny of the "shoulds"! Although I'm tempted to write a
    long diatribe here, I'd like to get back to you within the current century.

    Really. Only each individual knows how their system will react to
    various medicines, etc.


    þ OLX 1.53 þ 350 cubic inch V8?? That's one big can of vegetable juice
    --- SBBSecho 3.03-Win32
    * Origin: FIDONet: The Thunderbolt BBS - wx1der.dyndns.org (1:19/33)