• fidogle

    From Alejandro Filimonchuk@4:900/102 to All on Sun Apr 21 19:58:59 2024
    is fidogle down? I thought it was a lot of fun ;)

    ... A cat is the visible soul of a home
    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: The Vault BBS (4:900/102)
  • From Flavio Bessa@4:801/188 to Alejandro Filimonchuk on Wed Apr 24 14:18:32 2024
    On 21 Apr 2024, Alejandro Filimonchuk said the following...

    is fidogle down? I thought it was a lot of fun ;)

    What is (or was) fidogle?

    ... IsnтАЩt it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do "practice"?
    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (macOS/64)
    * Origin: Saturn's Orbit BBS - Back from the ashes (4:801/188)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to Flavio Bessa on Wed Apr 24 17:50:00 2024
    Hello Flavio!

    What is (or was) fidogle?

    It is an echomail search tool. I'll forward one of the
    original messages about it, next.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.58
    * Origin: FUTURE4FIDO = https://t.me/joinchat/SV_BQ0XcbSRoP4bt (2:221/1.58)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to All on Wed Apr 24 17:50:00 2024
    ** Original area : "/FIDO/FUTURE4FIDO"
    ** Original message from : Stas Mishchenkov@2:460/5858
    ** Original message to : All
    ** Original date/time : 01 Apr 23, 19:51 >==================================================================<

    Hi All!

    Based on the results of testing, I changed and added something. I'm waiting for comments.

    The search service is running on node 2:460/58.
    To use it, you need to write a letter by netmail, you can use routing,
    in the name of Fidogle.
    By default, the response will go to netmail via routing.

    The following commands are currently recognized:
    In the Subj field:
    %Help - hint.
    %Search - echobase search.
    %List - same as %Search, but sends found messages in response
    not entirely, but only the title and some text around
    found words or string.
    You may not write anything.

    In the body of the email:
    %Help - hint.
    %Search words - echobase search. Not necessary. If you specify after the command
    words, then the search will result in messages containing
    more than 50% of them. You can leave out the words.
    %List - same as %Search, but sends found messages in response
    not entirely, but only the title and some text around
    found words or string.

    Regardless of the command %Search or %List, in the body of the letter are recognized
    the following commands:

    %EchoArea ECHO.TAG - indicates the name of the echo conference in which you want to
    search. You can use wildcard
    "*" (asterisk). Not required unless
    specified, all echo conferences are searched.
    You can specify several echotags in one line.
    There may be several such lines.
    %Area is a synonym for %EchoArea.

    %FromName Sysop Name - search for the Sysop Name string in the From field. Does not affect search
    by MSGID and a link to the message. Not necessary. %ToName Sysop Name - searches for the Sysop Name string in the To field. Does not affect search
    by MSGID and a link to the message. Not necessary.

    %String any text - search for the entire string in the body of the letter. Does not affect search
    by MSGID and a link to the message. Not necessary.

    %Words any text - search for words in the body of the letter. Find letters that
    all words are present in any order and in any place
    body of the letter. You can use wildcard characters like
    in regular expressions. "." - any one character
    ".*" - any number of any characters,
    "[ab]" - one character "a" or "b",
    "[ab]?" - 1 or 0 character "a" or "b", etc. Does not affect
    search by MSGID and link to the message.
    Not necessary.

    %NoWords word words - Letters will be found that do not contain
    all words in any order and anywhere in the body of the letter.
    You can use wildcards similar to %Words.
    Does not affect searches by MSGID and message link.
    Not necessary.
    %FromDate dd/mm/yyyy - search starting from the specified date inclusive. Also
    you can use the format dd.mm.yyyy or dd-mm-yyyy.
    Does not affect searches by MSGID and message link.
    Not necessary.
    %TillDate dd/mm/yyyy - search up to and including the specified date. It is also possible
    use the format dd.mm.yyyy or dd-mm-yyyy.
    Does not affect searches by MSGID and message link.
    Not necessary.

    %Reply IBN[:IP[:port]] - send a reply by direct via binkp, information for
    connections are taken from the current nodelist. You can also
    specify the IP or domain, as in the IBN flag in the nodelist.
    If you have a point address, the message will be
    sent to your Boss node. Recognized outside
    depending on the %Search command and affects any
    robot response. Only affects the current message.

    The message is considered found if all specified conditions are met.

    %MSGID 1:2/3.4 6361961e - Search for a message by @MSGID. In this case, take into account
    only the %EchoArea command is accepted.

    If there is a %Search command in the Subj field or the body of the letter, then in the body of the letter
    links to messages of the form are recognized: area://su.cars?msgid=2:460/5858+641bec64
    This is equivalent to the following in the message body:
    %EchoArea: SU.CARS
    %MSGID: 2:460/5858641bec64

    All commands and their parameters are not case sensitive. colon after command maybe, but not necessarily.

    In one message, you can simultaneously request a hint, set a search by
    MSGID, post link search and word search. These will be different searches.
    and you will get different answers to them.

    For example:

    = NetMail (2:460/5858) ======================================================
    From: Brother Rabbit 2:460/5858 Sat 14 Sep 19 16:49
    To : Fidogle 2:460/58
    Subj: %Search ============================================================================== Hey Fidogle!

    %Words tasty useful
    %EchoArea crimea.talk
    %NoWords crabs

    Have nice nights.
    Brother Rabbit.

    -+- A free woman should show boobs. Married should not, but also has the right
    + Origin: Lame Users Breeding. Simferopol, Crimea. (2:460/5858) ================================================= ============================= All messages from echo CRIMEA.TALK containing the words "tasty" and
    "useful", but not containing the word "crabs".

    = NetMail (2:460/5858) ======================================= ===============
    From: Brother Rabbit 2:460/5858 Sat 14 Sep 19 16:49
    To : Fidogle 2:460/58
    Subj: Test
    ================================================= ============================= Hey Fidogle!

    %Words [bp]rick w[ao][lo]l
    %Reply IBN

    Have nice nights.
    Brother Rabbit.

    -+- A free woman should show boobs. Married should not, but also has the right
    + Origin: Lame Users Breeding. Simferopol, Crimea. (2:460/5858) ================================================= ============================= All messages from the RU.FIDONET.TODAY echoconference containing
    the words: "brick" or "prick" and "wall" or "wool".
    The answer will be sent by direct to binkp at 2:460/5858.

    Have nice nights.
    Stas Mishchenkov.

    -+- Будильник бесит в любом случае: и когда зазвонил, и когда не зазвонил.
    + Origin: Lame Users Breeding. Simferopol, Crimea. (2:460/5858)
    --- OpenXP 5.0.58
    * Origin: FUTURE4FIDO = https://t.me/joinchat/SV_BQ0XcbSRoP4bt (2:221/1.58)