I am fearful Trump will be unpredictable like former California Govrnor Schwartzenegger.I doubt Trump will do what Obama did which is acting like a pansy and paying Iran 400 million dollars.
I am fearful Trump will be unpredictable like former California Govrnor Schwartzenegger.
Then vote for Hillary.She does that and I can promise you there will be a revolution that will make the civil war, look like a folk dance.
She will appoint at least two, maybe three U.S. Supreme Court justices... which means you can kiss a lot of your rights goodbye; like the first and fourth Amendments.
You can also kiss the Second Amendment goodbye. Clinton's Supreme Court appointees will find an `interpretation' of the Constitution that completely alters the Second Amendment's actual meaning to eliminate the `individual right to keep and bear arms.
@MSGID: <57EE0FC0.56.fidonet_debate@1stchoicecore.co.nz>
@REPLY: <57A4F126.47.fidonet_debate@1stchoicecore.co.nz>
@TZ: 40f0
On 08/05/16, Tim Richardson said the following...
I am fearful Trump will be unpredictable like former CaliforniaGovrnor TR> > Schwartzenegger.
Then vote for Hillary.
She will appoint at least two, maybe three U.S. Supreme Court justices... which means you can kiss a lot of your rights goodbye; like the first and fourth Amendments.
You can also kiss the Second Amendment goodbye. Clinton's Supreme Court appointees will find an `interpretation' of the Constitution that completely alters the Second Amendment's actual meaning to eliminate the `individual right to keep and bear arms.
She does that and I can promise you there will be a revolution that will GD>make the civil war, look like a folk dance.
@MSGID: <57EF19EC.59.fidonet_debate@1stchoicecore.co.nz>
@TZ: 0078
Hello Tim,
Several `republican' turncoats will get their turn early on as well.
and Ryan come to mind.
The Republican Party is self-destructing. It has become the party
of old ideas. A party that clings to an ideology that has long been LL>discredited and discarded, having a majority in the house only due
to gerrymandering and a very slim majority in the senate that it has
no hopes of retaining.
In the Clinton's case I suspect they will get strung up by their own
Service guards. The Secret Service can't be looking forward to the
Clinton TR> clan coming back to the White House.
Clinton has to win in order to stay out of jail.
Several `republican' turncoats will get their turn early on as well.Boehner
and Ryan come to mind.
In the Clinton's case I suspect they will get strung up by their ownSecret
Service guards. The Secret Service can't be looking forward to the Clinton clan coming back to the White House.
Yeah, I live in a state where even if I wanted to vote for Trump,I am fearful Trump will be unpredictable like former California Govrnor Schwartzenegger.I doubt Trump will do what Obama did which is acting like a pansy and paying Iran 400 million dollars.
The Republican Party is self-destructing. It has become the party
of old ideas. A party that clings to an ideology that has long been discredited and discarded, having a majority in the house only due
to gerrymandering and a very slim majority in the senate that it has
no hopes of retaining.
Yeah I wish would take New York, he took every county here accept Manhattan.I doubt Trump will do what Obama did which is acting like a pansy and p Iran 400 million dollars.
Yeah, I live in a state where even if I wanted to vote for Trump,
Clinton is going to win anyways.
The advantage Trump has is his supporters are very loyal. TheyI really hope your right Lee, you hear people say I'm so afraid of Trump wondering what he will do. I hear that people refer to him as a loudmouth.
will turn out for him on election day, giving him a chance to win.
Clinton's entire campaign has been "anti-Trump"yeah it has.
Several `republican' turncoats will get their turn early on as well.
and Ryan come to mind.
The Republican Party is self-destructing. It has become the party
of old ideas. A party that clings to an ideology that has long been
discredited and discarded, having a majority in the house only due
to gerrymandering and a very slim majority in the senate that it has
no hopes of retaining.
In the Clinton's case I suspect they will get strung up by their own
Service guards. The Secret Service can't be looking forward to the
Clinton TR> clan coming back to the White House.
Clinton has to win in order to stay out of jail.
Hussein will issue blanket pardons to those connected with any of her scandals, including her, as he goes out the door.
She's not going to jail. Ever.
The Republican Party is self-destructing. It has become the party
of old ideas. A party that clings to an ideology that has long been
discredited and discarded, having a majority in the house only due
to gerrymandering and a very slim majority in the senate that it has
no hopes of retaining.
Ironically, in my state, the gerrymandering that flipped it from electing mostly Democrats to mostly Republicans was done by Democrats hoping to get rid of the 1 or 2 Republican Reps that kept getting elected. The first election year after they did that, every district but maybe one went Republican, including at least one that had not done so in decades. Although
they got one of those districts back, the one or two districts back before that that were Republican have remainded so for the past 20 year since, as have the others they lost.
Local Democrats get really, really angry when you use the word gerrymander around them. Really, really angry.
Manhattan.and pI doubt Trump will do what Obama did which is acting like a pansy
Iran 400 million dollars.
Yeah, I live in a state where even if I wanted to vote for Trump,
Clinton is going to win anyways.
Yeah I wish would take New York, he took every county here accept
In fact I attended a rally in Albany, NY. It was awesome. When we were walking out it was incredible the amount of people was like what you would see at Times Square on New Years Eve.
Of course there were black protesters, they were calling us Nazi's. I shouted
back. "Women, if I was a Nazi, you would be dead by now!"
What state are you from?
The advantage Trump has is his supporters are very loyal. They
will turn out for him on election day, giving him a chance to win.
I really hope your right Lee, you hear people say I'm so afraid of Trump wondering what he will do.
I hear that people refer to him as a loudmouth.
I hear people say that he will start World War III.
To which I say liberalism is a form of brain dis-order.
Trump is right about the democratic policies is large urban cities, what have these policies done but fail these urban populations, with their schools, roads, economic development. He is very accurate in his comments about that subject.
I want my President to have a voice and even raise it for good of ournation
and its people.
I can guarantee you that the Iranians would not be holding guns to our service members heads, and The U.S.A. would not be providing 400 millionto
the Iranians for anything.
Clinton's entire campaign has been "anti-Trump"
yeah it has.
Hello Tim,The Clinton's are not coming to The White House, more like The Big House.
Several `republican' turncoats will get their turn early on as well.Boehner
and Ryan come to mind.
The Republican Party is self-destructing. It has become the party
of old ideas. A party that clings to an ideology that has long been discredited and discarded, having a majority in the house only due
to gerrymandering and a very slim majority in the senate that it has
no hopes of retaining.
In the Clinton's case I suspect they will get strung up by their ownSecret
Service guards. The Secret Service can't be looking forward to the Cl clan coming back to the White House.
Clinton has to win in order to stay out of jail. And the electoral college math is in her favor. Not due to immigration, but ratherThere have been numerous news stories about Clinton double sampling and
inner migration. States that were blue are becoming bluer. States
that were red are become redder. States that were purple are going
blue. States that were pink are going red. The migration patterns
become obvious when comparing the presidential elections of 1988
and 2012.
Can Trump win? The Blue Wall is going to be mighty tough to break through. Maybe even impossible, depending on how much teflon coating
the Clinton forces use to paint it.
House. There have been numerous news stories about Clinton double
sampling and further corruption in fixing the election, The Trump Camp
On 10/25/16, Gregory Deyss said the following...double
House. There have been numerous news stories about Clinton
The Trump Camsampling and further corruption in fixing the election,
Have some links?http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/10/democratic_oversampling_is_a_dirty_ trick.html
On 10/25/16, Richard Miles said the following...
On 10/25/16, Gregory Deyss said the following...
House. There have been numerous news stories about Clintondouble
sampling and further corruption in fixing the election, TheTrump Cam
Have some links?
Wikileaks speaks about this very issue of oversampling.
There is also a personal element to this.
Knowing what I have heard about this cheating going on with the
machines not representing the actual votes being cast, I calleddown
to Troy, NY to the GOP headquarters. I asked them, "how do I validatephone
my vote?" Information was seemed sound, but then it happened the
rang back it was the GOP chair that I just spoke with he hadsome
rather interesting news on two fronts. 1. I filled out the voter registration card for my son, so that he could vote. I did this inthe
middle of September, this card was received and processedcorrectly.
Then the GOP tells me that my son contacted them on October 4th and requested a second card but did not select any party. Thisinformation
is false he did not contact them whatsoever, he would haveno reason
too, because of the card filled out in September. Fraud!! 2. They theof
GOP told me that I was not registered to vote because I was
removed due to the fact that they sent out a card to me at my place
residence not my mailing address, they got the card returned tosender
as a result I was taken off the register. So tomorrow October 27,2016
I am going down there to Troy, New York to the GOP headquartersand
will raise HELL. I will more than likely make national news in the process.
_ _
{# Greg {#
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A31 (Windows)
* Origin: Capital Station BBS (1:267/150)
Please make sure this Fidonet echo and your Dovenet "Debate" echo donot
have the same echotag (which at the moment I believe they are), whichmay
will cause you to post to both echos even though the same discussion
or may not be happening in both places.
Please make sure this Fidonet echo and your Dovenet "Debate" echo do not have the same echotag (which at the moment I believe they are), which
will cause you to post to both echos even though the same discussion may
or may not be happening in both places.
Not even remotely possible....
As I do not subscribe to the network of Dovenet.
@MSGID: <5811BFC4.73.fidonet_debate@1stchoicecore.co.nz>
@REPLY: <58102BBA.72.fidonet_debate@1stchoicecore.co.nz>
@TZ: 40f0
On 10/25/16, Richard Miles said the following...
On 10/25/16, Gregory Deyss said the following...
House. There have been numerous news stories about Clinton double sampling and further corruption in fixing the election, The TrumpCam RM>
Have some links?
http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/10/democratic_oversampling_is_a_d GD>rty_ trick.html
http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/10/24/trump_wikileaks_shows_ho GD>_cli nton_campaign_rigged_the_polls_by_over-sampling_democrats.html
Wikileaks speaks about this very issue of oversampling.
There is also a personal element to this.
Knowing what I have heard about this cheating going on with the voting GD>machines not representing the actual votes being cast, I called down to GD>Troy, NY to the GOP headquarters. I asked them, "how do I validate my GD>vote?" Information was seemed sound, but then it happened the phone rang GD>back it was the GOP chair that I just spoke with he had some rather GD>interesting news on two fronts. 1. I filled out the voter registration GD>card for my son, so that he could vote. I did this in the middle of GD>September, this card was received and processed correctly. Then the GOP GD>tells me that my son contacted them on October 4th and requested a second GD>card but did not select any party. This information is false he did not GD>contact them whatsoever, he would have no reason too, because of the card GD>filled out in September. Fraud!! 2. They the GOP told me that I was not GD>registered to vote because I was removed due to the fact that they sent GD>out a card to me at my place of residence not my mailing address, they got GD>the card returned to sender as a result I was taken off the register. So GD>tomorrow October 27, 2016 I am going down there to Troy, New York to the GD>GOP headquarters and will raise HELL. I will more than likely make
national news in the process. _ _
There have been numerous news stories about Clinton double sampling and GD>further corruption in fixing the election, The Trump Camp will be watching GD>like a hawk to make sure that there is no cheating going on.
I suspect if she does win, it will be looked at to make sure that she did GD>not cheat.
isHere's another one that is dup'ed in the Dovenet `Debate' echo.
Someone must be downloading it with the wrong qwk name in dovenet that
also here. The file name here that I pick up from Vertrauen is DOVE-DEB whereas the echo tag for this one is DEBATE.
Richard Miles<=-
Captain Obvious<=-
Here's another one that is dup'ed in the Dovenet `Debate' echo.
Welcome to the Fidonet DEBATE Echo.
On 10-30-16, Gregory Deyss said to Nicholas Boel:
do nPlease make sure this Fidonet echo and your Dovenet "Debate" echo
whichhave the same echotag (which at the moment I believe they are),
discussion mwill cause you to post to both echos even though the same
or may not be happening in both places.
Not even remotely possible....
As I do not subscribe to the network of Dovenet.
I just thumbed back through the `Dovenet' list, saw the `dovenet`Debate'
echo, and you're there plain as day!There has to be another explaination here of messages written here in the
@MSGID: <58192DE3.79.fidonet_debate@1stchoicecore.co.nz>
@TZ: 40f0
On 10/30/16, Tim Richardson said the following...
Here's another one that is dup'ed in the Dovenet `Debate' echo.
Someone must be downloading it with the wrong qwk name in dovenet that is RM>also here. The file name here that I pick up from Vertrauen is DOVE-DEB RM>whereas the echo tag for this one is DEBATE.
Gregory Deyss wrote to Tim Richardson <=-
On 10/30/16, Tim Richardson said the following...
On 10-30-16, Gregory Deyss said to Nicholas Boel:
do nPlease make sure this Fidonet echo and your Dovenet "Debate" echo
whichhave the same echotag (which at the moment I believe they are),
discussion mwill cause you to post to both echos even though the same
or may not be happening in both places.
Not even remotely possible....
As I do not subscribe to the network of Dovenet.
I just thumbed back through the `Dovenet' list, saw the `dovenet`Debate'
echo, and you're there plain as day!
There has to be another explaination here of messages written here in
the area somehow making their way into the dovenet debate,
I would imagine someone has something configured incorrectly, something along those lines or closely related to that, because I do not have dovenet connected here, I carry all of fidonet and I subscribe to
FSXNET which is Paul Hayton's network out of New Zealand.
I will investigate my node in fidonet is 1:267/150 what do the seen
by's show.?
Not even remotely possible....
As I do not subscribe to the network of Dovenet.
I just thumbed back through the `Dovenet' list, saw the `dovenet
`Debate' echo, and you're there plain as day!
There has to be another explaination here of messages written here in
the area somehow making their way into the dovenet debate,
I would imagine someone has something configured incorrectly,
something along those lines or closely related to that, because I do
not have dovenet connected here, I carry all of fidonet and I
subscribe to FSXNET which is Paul Hayton's network out of New Zealand.
I will investigate my node in fidonet is 1:267/150 what do the seen
by's show.?
I will investigate my node in fidonet is 1:267/150 what do the seen
by's show.?
It's been resolved. It's Phillip Taylor's system that is causing the issue.
@MSGID: <581BAA33.84.fidonet_debate@1stchoicecore.co.nz>
@TZ: 40f0
On 10/30/16, Tim Richardson said the following...
On 10-30-16, Gregory Deyss said to Nicholas Boel:
n TR> NB> have the same echotag (which at the moment I believe they are), GD>which TR> NB> will cause you to post to both echos even though the same GD>discussion m TR> NB> or may not be happening in both places.Please make sure this Fidonet echo and your Dovenet "Debate" echo do
Not even remotely possible....
As I do not subscribe to the network of Dovenet.
I just thumbed back through the `Dovenet' list, saw the `dovenet `Debate' echo, and you're there plain as day!
There has to be another explaination here of messages written here in the GD>area somehow making their way into the dovenet debate,
I would imagine someone has something configured incorrectly, something GD>along those lines or closely related to that,
because I do not have
dovenet connected here, I carry all of fidonet and I subscribe to FSXNET GD>which is Paul Hayton's network out of New Zealand.
I will investigate my node in fidonet is 1:267/150 what do the seen by's GD>show.?
mark lewis wrote to Bill McGarrity <=-
03 Nov 16 18:52, you wrote to Gregory Deyss:
I will investigate my node in fidonet is 1:267/150 what do the seen
by's show.?
It's been resolved. It's Phillip Taylor's system that is causing the issue.
can you provide details as to the discovery and resolution?
It's been resolved. It's Phillip Taylor's system that is causing
the issue.
can you provide details as to the discovery and resolution?
Rob discovered where the cross networking was occuring and I think he dropped Philips system from Dovenet till he took acre of the problem.
If you look over on Dovenet his system ID was "DM".
I will investigate my node in fidonet is 1:267/150 what do the seen
by's show.?
It's been resolved. It's Phillip Taylor's system that is causing the
can you provide details as to the discovery and resolution?
Rob discovered where the cross networking was occuring and I think he dropped Philips system from Dovenet till he took acre of the problem.
If you look over on Dovenet his system ID was "DM".
`DebI just thumbed back through the `Dovenet' list, saw the `dovenet
here inecho, and you're there plain as day!
There has to be another explaination here of messages written
somethithe area somehow making their way into the dovenet debate,
I would imagine someone has something configured incorrectly,
along those lines or closely related to that, because I do not have dovenet connected here, I carry all of fidonet and I subscribe to FSXNET which is Paul Hayton's network out of New Zealand.
I will investigate my node in fidonet is 1:267/150 what do the seen by's show.?
It's been resolved. It's Phillip Taylor's system that is causing the issue.
On 11-03-16, Gregory Deyss said to Tim Richardson:
@MSGID: <581BAA33.84.fidonet_debate@1stchoicecore.co.nz>
@TZ: 40f0
On 10/30/16, Tim Richardson said the following...
On 10-30-16, Gregory Deyss said to Nicholas Boel:
echoPlease make sure this Fidonet echo and your Dovenet "Debate"
n TR> NB> have the same echotag (which at the moment I believe theyare),
samewhich TR> NB> will cause you to post to both echos even though the
discussion m TR> NB> or may not be happening in both places.
Not even remotely possible....
As I do not subscribe to the network of Dovenet.
`DebaI just thumbed back through the `Dovenet' list, saw the `dovenet
echo, and you're there plain as day!
in tThere has to be another explaination here of messages written here
area somehow making their way into the dovenet debate,
somethingI would imagine someone has something configured incorrectly,
along those lines or closely related to that,
I agree. Probably one of those clowns in zone one screwing up again!Hey! I am in zone 1. :)
Ya know....it could have been that Phillip Taylor's system! I suspected him right from the first!I have been already told it was Phillip's system.
t TR> GD>area somehow making their way into the dovenet debate,There has to be another explaination here of messages written here in
I would imagine someone has something configured incorrectly,something TR> GD>along those lines or closely related to that,
I agree. Probably one of those clowns in zone one screwing up again!
Hey! I am in zone 1. :)
Ya know....it could have been that Phillip Taylor's system! I suspected
him right from the first!
I have been already told it was Phillip's system.
No worries, I am glad that the problem was found, and hopefully will be GD>resolved soon. I know it couldn't of been my system, as I do subscribe to GD>dovenet, so there was another explanation.
NOTE: mr tim is a southern way of showing respect to others... it is in no ml>way a derrogatory thing...
@MSGID: <581C9566.90.fidonet_debate@1stchoicecore.co.nz>
@REPLY: <581C9564.89.fidonet_debate@1stchoicecore.co.nz>
@TZ: 412c
Hello Bill,
On 04 Nov 16 08:11, Bill McGarrity wrote to mark lewis:
It's been resolved. It's Phillip Taylor's system that is causing
the issue.
can you provide details as to the discovery and resolution?
Rob discovered where the cross networking was occuring and I think he dropped Philips system from Dovenet till he took acre of the problem.
If you look over on Dovenet his system ID was "DM".
That paired with the fact that it was Phil Taylor's system, that was NB>probably the only option (dropping his system until it is resolved). Phil NB>most likely did it completely unknowingly and had absolutely no idea it NB>was happening. Then trying to contact him and get it fixed is probably a NB>pretty difficult process. :)
Gregory Deyss wrote to Bill McGarrity <=-`Deb
I just thumbed back through the `Dovenet' list, saw the `dovenet
here inecho, and you're there plain as day!
There has to be another explaination here of messages written
somethithe area somehow making their way into the dovenet debate,
I would imagine someone has something configured incorrectly,
along those lines or closely related to that, because I do not have dovenet connected here, I carry all of fidonet and I subscribe to FSXNET which is Paul Hayton's network out of New Zealand.
I will investigate my node in fidonet is 1:267/150 what do the seen by's show.?
It's been resolved. It's Phillip Taylor's system that is causing the issue.
Thanks Bill for letting me know, I am glad it was resolved, I know
there was no way possible for my system to be the cause, because I do
not have Dovenet here.
Local Democrats get really, really angry when you use the word gerrymander around them. Really, really angry.
That is exactly what they are doing in Louisville... they are tearing down the >Black Democrat stronghold housing projects and moving them to predominantly >white republican areas like PRP, Valley Station and Fairdale.
I don't want to sound racist but they seem to be taking the concentrated base that votes democrat and are engineering new "scattered housing" areas where you"subsidised"
don't know which house someone paid full price and which house is
to get them into home ownership or it's a HUD owned secion 8 rental.
And now they are trying to eliminate busing and have neighborhood schools in our state. Which is aimed totally at Louisville where the average student rides an hour or more every day on the bus just to get to school all for "diversity" reasons.
But the sword cuts both ways... they want to build a low income high density >housing building in Prospect which is a "Rich white democrat" section and they >are resisitng it because they feel it is not a good fit for their >neighborhood.
Amazingly this area in Prospect is near a neighborhood called "norton commons" >which was built to have pedestrians in mind. There are plenty of grocery >stores and other retail where the seniors can safely walk or ride their >scooters too. Sadly the high density senior housing in Downtown no longer has >a grocery store they can walk to.
And don't get me started on the Veterans Hospital controversy. The VA purchased land in the Rich "east end" and they don't want it there either.
With Louisville being traditionally Democrat-leaning, is your opinion that the Democrats are doing so in order to weaken Republican areas, or is your opinion that some Republicans are doing this so as to break up the downtown stronghold(s)? Curious since I used to live there but have not kept up with this kind of thing.
Here is the thing, and this crosses racial boundaries... the government has tried to get more people owning homes. That is not at its roots a bad thing, but an unfortunate side-effect is that you get people owning homes that probably should not be. They are not responsible enough, stable enough, etc., to do so. Part of the housing fiasco was greedy banks and lenders, but part of it was the fact that the government encouraged this stuff and didn't check-and-balance it at all.
Heck, even people who are reasonable and stable enough these days may not have a long-term income stream that would support home ownership. Being a single, public-sector employee in a not-very-rich state, I am honestly starting to feel like I probably fall into this category. I can afford to own one, and can afford to keep one up, but I am no longer so sure I can afford to do both. :)
Now, Louisville-specific, back before that area fell under control of a larger regional office centered in another, quasi-far-off city, the HUD Louisville regional office consistently had the lowest, or next-to-lowest, default rate in the country. So for anyone who thinks the next-to previous paragraph was government bashing, or Louisville bashing, no it was not. :)
Over the years Louisville got some praise for their busing program, but they also got sued for it in more recent years, IIRC. At one point, they had some sort of "block" program where suburban white kids could go to their neighborhood school so long as it was not deemed "full." If it was, tough, they might have to go another school school in their "block" that was likely all the way across town... think Lyndon or St. Matt's to Valley Station... and the school system would NOT provide transportation.
That was another stab at promoting diversity (maybe middle class vs. lower-middle, rather than racial) and I don't think it lasted long.
LOL, you have to love the hardened Democrats like those. They'd probably raise a stink, and maybe some $$$, if it was some rich Republican trying to keep those poor folks out. But, give them the choice of having them in their own backyards, and having it affect their property values, and they throw the same hissy fits. It is OK to help those poor folks, just as long as they stay downtown or on the Southend where they belong.
Norton's Commons is actually outside of Prospect, but that is still a near-adjacent, mostly rich-folks area. I can remember when most of Norton's Commons was still farmland and open fields.
I wonder what excuse those rich snobs use for that?
Now, wait and see... someone will dispute the existance of "rich, snooty Democrats." <GRIN>
However if you look at the schools in the fat wallet area (aka rich white >Louisville) they are mostly kids from the neighborhood. Ballard and Waggner >are two that come to mind that are full of the white upper class students. >They do bus in blacks for racial balance but bus them in from the Chamberlain >Lane area off of West Port Road or the nicer housing project right off of West >Port road and the watterson that everyone forgets exsists.
Sysop: | DaiTengu |
Location: | Appleton, WI |
Users: | 974 |
Nodes: | 10 (0 / 10) |
Uptime: | 142:53:36 |
Calls: | 12,773 |
Files: | 186,574 |
Messages: | 3,178,163 |