• Re: UN-SECONDED NOMINATIONS: Goofy Azzed Babboon, PAP Re: You, and your

    From metro-golden-meower@1:2320/100 to alt.usenet.kooks,alt.comics.2000ad, on Sun Jan 21 14:24:31 2007
    From Newsgroup: alt.tv.simpsons

    On Sun, 21 Jan 2007 00:05:11 GMT, The God of Odd Statements <godofodd@statements.likeyours> wrote:

    On Sat, 20 Jan 2007 00:37:37 +0000, moomoo la moo did most oddly state:
    Max Grrl wrote:
    Max Grrl wrote:
    Max Grrl wrote:
    Max Grrl wrote:
    Max Grrl wrote:
    Max Grrl wrote:

    You are one stoopid b1tch. Please Douche.

    PKB, butt-Monkey.

    Max Grrl wrote:
    Priscilla Steinmart, aka babaloonie, wrote:

    But what's a little torture when you're slamming the US congress >>>>>>>>>> with jello, in the name of defense, cause there is a war going on >>>>>>>>>> MAN, and you've committed the worst treason in the history of the >>>>>>>>>> United States, right?

    The truth, so it doesn't happen again.

    defend the constitution agaisnt all enemies, foreign and
    domestic, and you're some stupid little army nothing, sucking >>>>>>>>>> Rumsfeld's cock, no one protects, you, ever...

    BTW, You are reallly really dumb...

    Stupid little sock puppets, stupid little social chaos, stupid >>>>>>>>>> little army propaganda which failed miserably, even in the US, >>>>>>>>>> right?

    Yeah, they'll let you live, in this tunnel of love...

    You underestimated how much the Constitution is valued, and you >>>>>>>>>> overestimated your own importance, your little talent, a little >>>>>>>>>> sand, it goes both ways, you forget you're not the only one with >>>>>>>>>> power, and you're not ready, or willing, to die for this... >>>>>>>>>>
    MaxC*nt, you filthy pu$sy is legendary. DOuche, b1tch, douche
    Why don't you obsess over me a lil more, Pedo-k00k? I think there's >>>>>>> a few other froups that don't know what an obsessed lil fucktard you >>>>>>> are!
    : )

    I LOVE how every single time I tell you to post, you DO it!! You are >>>>>>> quite possibly the BEST Pet St00pid I have ever had! : )
    I love how you're stoopid dollar menu ordering c*nt as$ tries
    desperately to use reverse psychology and it fails miserably. YOu're >>>>>> a filthy c*nt with a filthy pus$y who is inbred and profoundly
    retarded. You daddy diddles you and stuffs our head in an active
    oven. YOu're a worthless piece $hit that would really be better off >>>>>> dead, cunt!
    LOL, frothing, Porchy? How . . . boring and redundant. Shakespeare
    said it best about your denials of obsessing over me: Methinks the
    fucktard protests too much. : )
    Hey b1tch want where you fling that toxic discharge of yours. Look
    b1tch, I don't want to own you. When you douche and clean you're STD
    laden pus$y then I'll take ownership of you. You enjoy getting your
    pus$y stomped on daily don'tcha b1tch.
    *max watches Porchy froth and foam like warm micro-brew*
    By all means, PLEASE continue to post. I'm enjoying this - as well as >>>>> the entire froup of AUK. We think you're pathetic attempts at being a >>>>> master of the nym is hilarious in a "retarded kid pushing the 'pull' >>>>> door" kinda way. It's so funny to watch you post frantically,
    screaming your projections of getting fucked by your daddy all over
    usenet. It's hilarious watching you tard behind "pretend" bad words. >>>>> Mommy really popped you one with dat mean ol Net Nanny didn't she? : ) >>>> MaxWhore, you dismal and disgusting pu$sy is tragic, toxic and deadly. >>>> I enjoy ripping you a new 'gina and anu$ in front of all of usenet.
    You're a stoopid filthy c*nt that enjoys getting as$raped by d1cks,
    spatula, tv remotes and assorted plumbing tools. You are a disgusting
    b1tch that never gets taken how to meet any guy's mother. You're th
    type of b1tch that gets pumped and dumped out side of Burger King. You >>>> have daddy issues your daddy keeping sodomizing your with his d1ck and >>>> various household items. You tried to tell your therapist. But all she >>>> does it laugh at you. How unprofessional of her!! <Snicker>

    You REALLY are taking my rejection of you *really* hard, aren't you????? >>> Awww . . . pity party for Porchy! : )

    Your dried of c*nt needs some watering. It looks like a hairy california

    My hubby said to tell you that if you call again or raid our trash
    again, he's kicking your pathetic ass.

    Now, now, child abuse is illegal, you know.

    Now why don't you go ahead and post some more babbling, ranting,
    projection filled shit-smears in your home froups like a good lil
    B1tch you can scream and moan all you want but I will keep abusing you >>>> and treating your like the little c*nt that you are. You're the type
    of b1tch that when taken out for dinner only gets to order off of the
    dollar menu at the fast food joint. You're a ho.

    No, no, no, by all means . . . keep posting as me, PLEASE!! I'm
    getting e-mails by the large of how pitiful you are. We're ALL laughing
    at you!!
    : )

    In fact, I think it would be fair to say that you're being trolled,
    Farky. WE'RE having fun with YOU.

    Whaddya say guys? BU for this spanked lil bitch???

    Ooops!! You've ALREADY been nominated AND seconded, LOL!!! : ) I and
    not reasonably sane person would covet your ugly face, you
    deformed body, your filthy hairy smelly $natch or your $hit encrusted
    anu$. You're a low class b1tch that turns tricks behinds dumpsters. Even
    homeless men reject you most of the time. Because you need to:

    Douche, b1tch, douche.... respond if you dare c*nt!

    You need to douche your brain.

    Seriously, all meanness aside, I'm a married woman, and I HAD to >>>>>>> turn you down. If you can't accept that and HAVE to obsess over me, >>>>>>> well, I really pity you. You told me about how you were abused as a >>>>>>> child and I felt sorry for you - but *nothing* more. You confused >>>>>>> "pity" with love. You NEED to move on. PLEASE.

    I and not reasonably sane person would covet your ugly face, you
    deformed body, your filthy hairy smelly $natch or your $hit encrusted >>>>>> anu$. You're a low class b1tch that turns tricks behinds dumpsters. >>>>>> Even homeless men reject you most of the time. Because you need to: >>>>>>
    Douche, b1tch, douche.... respond if you dare c*nt!

    LOL, that's not what you said in your e-mail to me. : )

    You're just mad because I turned you down. You got all pissed because >>>>> I flirt with guys like Psycho, Hatter, and BuZZ. And because I'm nicer >>>>> to Metro, KM, and TGOOS than I've ever been to you. You're so sad,
    Porchy. : (

    You're just mad that I called the Douche police on you. You know that
    you have a toxic pus$y.You know that you need to douche. so Douche,
    b1tch, douche.

    And all that started AFTER you asked me out, called me on the phone,
    begging for my attention, started humping my leg for desperate, pathetic >>> attention AND dug through my trash looking for old tampon wrappers and
    bits of dental floss. Jealousy is certainly ugly isn't it?

    I love how you're stoopid dollar menu ordering c*nt as$ tries desperately
    to use reverse psychology and it fails miserably. YOu're a filthy c*nt
    with a filthy pus$y who is inbred and profoundly retarded. You daddy
    diddles you and stuffs our head in an active oven. YOu're a worthless
    piece $hit that would really be better off dead, cunt!

    You've posted that "I and not" business twice in this thread, Monkey,
    and I'm no longer inclined at all to think it might conceivably be a
    typo. Together with your inability to correctly spell swear words,
    except that very last one (you must be slipping), your repetitions of
    various phrases, and your generally profoundly retarded syntax and
    grammar, I am convinced that my nomination of you for the illustrious
    award in the subject line is highly appropriate.

    Goofy Azzed Babboon

    This award commemorates Kookistic achievement in the linguistic arts. Of
    any language. To be awarded for categorical instances of such
    achievement, but if a fully separate category of it is exhibited by said
    Kook then they can win it more than once. There is no statute of
    limitations here; one should award net.kooks of the past as well as the >present. Linguistic butchering is, we believe, a demonstrably proven
    Kook Art. If the person's inability to use language comes from their >inexperience with it they do not qualify. Kooky language must come from
    Kooky thought.

    As evidenced by your multiple misidentifications of many different
    posters (both k00ks and kookologists) and the alternative nyms possessed
    by some of them (as well as the frogs of certain k00ks), your insane >vendettas, your forgeries, your conviction that *I* am one who has
    forged /you/ (solely because Shaw Residential is upstream from Altopia,
    and never mind that abuse@shaw.ca can be found in my headers, but not >Ying's/SameAsB4's) -- you're a k00k. Given the way you torture language
    and censor your own swear words, you are a Goofy Azzed Babboon, and so
    I would like to reiterate the nomination for the award.



    Joseph Bartlo "Pathetic Anal Pineapple" Award

    The "Jojo Pineapple" is awarded every month to the Usenet poster who best >establishes a pattern of stupidity, idiocy, moronism, silliness,
    cretinism and general kookery in a way exemplified by the eponymous
    founder of this award, Joseph "Foamboi" Bartlo.

    Another reiteration, but briefer.




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    *****************************PEDO ALERT****************************

    Allt utan bl%ja gor att t%ja.

    (translation: 'everything without nappies, diapers to you dumb jank
    fuckheads, can be stretched'.)

    -"Sex Er kul men det g%r ont."
    (Lisa, 3 or).

    (translation: 'sex is fun but it hurts. (lisa, 3 years old)'.)

    snuh barn diddler Den TomtefErgade KErlekskyssen i Message-ID: <vm80p2hu27vtggh50ng5k6mo4mct887vt3@4ax.kom>

    ***************************/PEDO ALERT*****************************


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