• Notes for WABF10 (22 for 30)

    From Matt Garvey@1:2320/100 to alt.tv.simpsons on Sun Mar 12 17:38:34 2017
    From Newsgroup: alt.tv.simpsons

    Fine concept and fine episode, which I'm sure I would like better if I followed
    sports or watched any of these documentary shows. Calling it 22 for 30, if in reference to the runtime, is a bit of a stretch, since it's just under 21 and a
    half minutes (the current longest time the show seems to get is 21:50 and that's rarely hit), but I guess it is a bit longer than recent episodes (and longer than syndication length too).
    ..."ay caramba" is apparently "translated" in the FBI tapes, for some reason, and to "oh carumba"?
    ...Krusty's Dolly Parton joke wasn't particularly defamatory or mean at all? Previous episode stuff
    7F05, 8F13, 5F03, BABF06: a few previous episodes I caught clips of in the secondary title sequence
    Movie: Homer's complimentary reference to one of his kids as a mistake
    Among other things, Homer realizes he had a lot of crazy jobs when his life flashed before his eyes

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