
Uploaded Mon Nov 20 2017 04:46 pm

Aime programming language, with a C like
syntax, intended for application extending
purposes.  The aime collection comprises the
language description, an application
embeddable interpreter, the interpreter C
interface description and a standalone
interpreter.  Examples on how the
interpreter can be used (embedded in an
application) are also available. 
aime-8.20160916. (995K)

Uploaded Mon Nov 20 2017 04:46 pm

Computer Science From the Bottom Up, a PDF
version of the book by Ian Wienand. (6K)

Uploaded Fri Apr 06 2018 12:19 pm

DNS Performance Test. Shell script to test the performance of the most popular DNS resolvers from your location.  Includes by default:CloudFlare Level3 CleanBrowsing Google Yandex Quad9 Freenom 80.80.80 (77K)

Uploaded Mon Nov 20 2017 04:46 pm

TetrOS is a small feature rich Tetris clone. 
Assembly.  Fits into a 512 byte boot sector,
requires only 446 bytes (maximum allowed
size of the first stage boot loader in the
master boot record (MBR) of a drive) & is
executed during the boot sequence before any
OS is loaded.  Does not need any existing
operating system.  TetrOS is an operating
system, hence the suffix OS in its name. (586K)

Uploaded Mon Nov 20 2017 04:46 pm

WCD - Directory changer for Unix. w/ C src. 
Command-line program changes dir fast.  Type
only a part of a directory name & wcd will
jump to it.  Fast sel.  method in case of
multiple matches, allows aliasing, banning
of dirs.  Includes a full screen interactive
dir tree browser w/speed search.  DOS 16
bit, DOS 32 bit, DOS bash, WinCommand
Prompt, PowerShell, ZSH, MSYS, Cygwin,
'nix:all Bourne & C type shells, OS/2 Warp