• The Untold Story Of Imelda Marcos Ebook Free Download

    From Timothy Creason@tc2295364@gmail.com to comp.sys.mac.apps on Wed Dec 6 22:09:51 2023
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.mac.apps

    First released in 1969, during a time of great uncertainty for the Philippines, this unauthorized biography of one of the most intriguing women in the world was banned in her own country. For writing it, Carmen Pedrosa, with her family, was exiled to London for 20 years.Despite that, The Untold Story of Imelda Marcos became a local and international hit, selling out all of its print runs.Now, decades after the end of Martial Law, the book returns to tell the story of Imelda Romualdez-Marcos to a new generation.A modern Cinderella tale, The Untold Story of Imelda Marcos tells of how she rose from being a destitute child to becoming the most powerful woman of the country. Starry-eyed, penniless, and provincial, Imelda was in search of good fortune in Manila. Then came Ferdinand E. Marcos, a knight in shining armor, rescuing her from poverty and misery. "I will make you the First Lady of the land," he promised her.Complete, detailed, and replete with facts and documents that have been painstakingly hidden from the public by the administration's image-makers, her life story unfolds, one truth at a time. It explains Imelda's much vaunted charisma that, in President Marcos' own words, garnered one million votes in the 1965 elections. She is a person who is difficult to be indifferent to. This book tells us why. var szCRID = "C9BDC2B5-59DD-4DFC-B984-907F49A6AD00"if ( $.inArray(szCRID, szListTitles1) > -1 )// do somethingif ( $.inArray(szCRID, szListTitles2) > -1 )// do somethingif ( $.inArray(szCRID, szListTitles3) > -1 )// do somethingif ( $.inArray(szCRID, szListTitles4) > -1 )// do somethingif ( $.inArray(szCRID, szListTitles1) > -1 )// do somethingif ( $.inArray(szCRID, szListTitles2) > -1 )// do somethingif ( $.inArray(szCRID, szListTitles3) > -1 )// do somethingif ( $.inArray(szCRID, szListTitles4) > -1 )// do something First released in 1969, during a time of great uncertainty for the Philippines, this unauthorized biography of one of the most intriguing women in the world was banned in her own country. For writing it, Carmen Pedrosa, with her family, was exiled to London for 20 years.Despite that, The Untold Story of Imelda Marcos became a local and international hit, selling out all of its print runs.Now, decades after the end of Martial Law, the book returns to tell the story of Imelda Romualdez-Marcos to a new generation.A modern Cinderella tale, The Untold Story of Imelda Marcos tells of how she rose from being a destitute child to becoming the most powerful woman of the country. Starry-eyed, penniless, and provincial, Imelda was in search of good fortune in Manila. Then came Ferdinand E. Marcos, a knight in shining armor, rescuing her from poverty and misery. "I will make you the First Lady of the land," he promised her.Complete, detailed, and replete with facts and documents that have been painstakingly hidden from the public by the administration's image-makers, her life story unfolds, one truth at a time. It explains Imelda's much vaunted charisma that, in President Marcos' own words, garnered one million votes in the 1965 elections. She is a person who is difficult to be indifferent to. This book tells us why. Link to 'The Untold Story of Imelda Marcos' on FacebookTweet about 'The Untold Story of Imelda Marcos'Pin 'The Untold Story of Imelda Marcos'Email a friend about 'The Untold Story of Imelda Marcos'var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();if(agent.indexOf('overdrive media console') != -1)$("#shareFeatRow").css("display","none");;if (0 == 1) $(".share-fb").html("");$(".share-tw").html("");$(".share-pin").html("");Available formats-OverDrive Read var DrmInfo610 = ""; if(610 == "420" && DrmInfo420.length > 4) document.write("
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