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    From Amity Shelley@dansdogtrainingtips@gmail.com to comp.sys.ibm.ps2.hardware on Fri Feb 2 08:14:56 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.ibm.ps2.hardware

    Managing Elevated Blood Sugar Levels When Dealing with a Cold — Effective Strategies to Navigate
    Ever wondered why your blood glucose levels seem to soar when you’re feeling under the weather? It’s not just about carb-loaded meals. Surprisingly, catching a cold or facing an infection can also contribute to spikes in blood sugar. The body responds to illness by releasing specific hormones to combat infections, exerting a direct influence on your blood glucose levels. Dive into the intricacies of this connection and learn how to proactively manage your health during times of illness.
    How Does Sickness Impact Blood Sugar Levels?
    When your body falls under the weather, it initiates a series of responses to combat the infection. Stress hormones, such as cortisol and epinephrine, are unleashed, as noted by the Endocrine Society. Coping with illness demands extra energy, and these hormones cause a surge in blood sugar to fulfill this increased requirement.
    However, the additional stress hormones also diminish insulin, the crucial hormone responsible for transporting glucose from your bloodstream into your cells. In the absence of sufficient insulin, glucose lingers in your blood for an extended period, leading to elevated blood sugar levels. While individuals without diabetes typically handle this without issue, it may contribute to conditions like hyperglycemia in those with diabetes.
    Exploring the Link Between Colds and Blood Sugar Fluctuations
    For individuals managing diabetes, the surge in blood sugar levels during an illness poses heightened risks, considering the inherent challenges your body faces in maintaining optimal blood sugar control. Moreover, when you’re unwell, lifestyle adjustments are inevitable. You may find yourself tempted to forgo meals and physical activity, further complicating the delicate task of blood sugar management.
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlight that diminished insulin production and elevated blood sugar levels elevate the susceptibility to diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) during episodes of cold or infection. Recent studies, such as a 2023 research published in Annals of Medicine & Surgery, underscore infection as a prevalent catalyst for this complication in diabetes. DKA manifests when insufficient insulin impedes the transfer of glucose from the bloodstream to cells, prompting the body to resort to fat for energy. The breakdown of fat generates ketones, which can pose risks when produced excessively and rapidly.
    To monitor ketone levels, consider utilizing an over-the-counter urine test or a meter for blood ketone testing. For those with diabetes, adhering to the CDC’s recommendation of testing every four to six hours during illness ensures ongoing awareness of ketone levels within the normal range. Should concerns arise about ketoacidosis or heightened ketone levels, promptly contact your healthcare provider, as DKA constitutes a medical emergency.
    Optimizing Blood Sugar Levels During a Cold
    To effectively manage blood sugar fluctuations associated with a cold, implement these crucial strategies:
    Regular Blood Sugar Monitoring: Keep a close eye on your blood glucose levels, especially if you have diabetes. Regular monitoring enables timely adjustments to meals or snacks. Seek medical attention if your blood sugars become too high or low.
    Medication Maintenance: Ensure an adequate supply of diabetes medication or insulin, anticipating the challenges of obtaining refills while unwell. Adhere to your medication regimen during illness, and consult your doctor for any dosage-related queries.
    Consistent Meal Consumption: Even if your appetite diminishes during sickness, avoid skipping meals to prevent a drop in blood sugar. Maintain a routine of regular meals and snacks, providing your body with the energy needed to combat the infection.
    Preparation of Convenient Foods: Consume 50 grams of carbohydrates every four hours when unwell. Simplify meal preparation with easily accessible, nutritious options like canned soup, instant oats, crackers, cheese, bread, and nut butter. If your appetite is lacking, consider alternatives such as juice, broth, ice pops, milk, yogurt, or regular soda to avert low blood sugar, as recommended by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
    Read More: https://medium.com/p/9b4a0a2f29df/
    #BloodSugarManagement #ColdandBloodSugar #WellnessTips #HealthAwareness
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