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    From Amity Shelley@dansdogtrainingtips@gmail.com to comp.sys.ibm.ps2.hardware on Mon Jan 22 05:57:44 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.ibm.ps2.hardware

    ✅The Official Trump Badge Review (2024) Make America Great Again Support for the 47th President🔅
    It’s 2024, and election season is right around the corner. This year will be the most critical year for freedom the citizens of the greatest country on earth will ever witness. It’s the battle between good and evil as the deep state puppets look to steal the election again.
    The Dems don’t want him back in office, and they’re willing to stoop to their dirty tactics to keep him out. Their evil strategy won’t work this time; the American people are waking up to the destruction they’re wreaking across every aspect of American life.
    There’s no question that Americans are worse off under the current administration than they were under Trump. The economy is in the toilet as “Bidenomics” fails to deliver, and the White House continues its deficit spending and funding of proxy wars to serve the agenda of the military-industrial complex.
    It’s time to take a stand against the Democrats.
    Don’t let the deep state win this time. Show your support for Trump and his race to the White House. It’s up to the people to put him back in office. You build a sense of community for all Americans by showing your support for Trump.
    The Official Trump Patriot Badge(👉 https://rebrand.ly/TrumpBadges-OfficialWebsite) is the perfect way to fight back against the deep state and the demons in office. If they know that people will question the election results, they’re less likely to try to steal the election again. They’ll try, but it’s our job as the American people to show them they can’t pull the wool over our eyes this time.
    We want Trump back in office in 2025. He’s the only presidential candidate qualified for the job. The Official Trump Patriot Badge gives you a way to support him in the presidential race.
    ✊The Official Trump Badge – Back Agenda 47 & Show Your Commitment to Trump🙌
    It’s time to make a statement about your commitment to Agenda 47 with the Official Trump Patriot Badge. This unique collectible features a high-quality design. Wear your badge on your jacket, attach it to your handbag, or mount it on your mantelpiece at home to show your support for Trump’s presidency in 2024.
    The badge features a gold-plated design of an American Eagle spreading its wings with the capitol building in the background. These embossed features overlay the American flag, with a banner over the eagle stating, “Certified Patriot.”
    👇Get started with The Official Trump Badge today!👇
    The Trump Patriot badge lets everyone know where your political allegiance stands. No one will question your commitment to the upcoming election and how you intend to cast your vote. It’s a commemoration of his legacy and a way to show your support for the Donald’s plan to Make America Great Again.
    Donald Trump is the ultimate patriot and wants to share his legacy with you with the Official Trump Patriot Badge. The rim of the collectible features the MAGA slogan and the words “45th President of the United States.”
    The mesmerizing design wraps up with a wreath at the bottom of the badge saying, “Donald J. Trump.” Wear your badge to the next Trump rally in your town and be the envy of all Trump supporters. When it comes time to cast your vote in December, wear your badge when you go to the polls to give the liberal media a shock as they realize Americans want Trump in office, not their deep state plant.
    ✊Order Your Official Trump Badge on Promotion
    You have a chance to show your support for Trump’s Presidency in 2024 by ordering your Official Trump Patriot Badge in a special promotional deal. Save up to 80% off the regular retail price when you place your order today!
    👉 Official Website + DISCOUNT: https://rebrand.ly/TrumpBadges-OfficialWebsite
    1x Official Trump Badge $99.
    3x Official Trump Badges $199
    5x Official Trump Badges $299
    10x Official Trump Badges $499
    The Trump Official Patriot badge makes the perfect gift in 2024. Order your badges and give them to your friends and family to show your support for Agenda 47. It’s time to Make America Great Again. Order your Official Trump Patriot Badge today and take up the fight against the Democrats in 2024. ✨Trump Badges Official Website:👉 https://rebrand.ly/TrumpBadges-OfficialWebsite
    ✊The Official Trump Patriot Badge – FAQ
    As soon as we receive the order, you will receive a notification of the shipment. Shipping usually takes 5-7 business days.
    YES, we provide free shipping & handling on orders with 6+ badges. Once you place the order, our team in Colorado will handle your products within 5-7 business days.
    Please feel free to email us at magatrump771@gmail.com and our team will resolve any issue.
    USPS and before that you will receive an email with the parcel details.
    ❔I need more information about the product or the shipping process. Whom should I contact?
    We stand right by our customers every step of the way. So, if you have questions regarding the product, the order or the shipping process, we’re here to help. Just write us an email, any day of the week at magatrump771@gmail.com.
    ❔How can i track my order?
    In maximum 24-48 hours after you order, all working days of the week, you will receive an email with your shipping tracking ID and a link. Click on that link to check on the status of your order anytime you want.
    ❔I am not satisfied with the Trump Badge. Can I request a refund?
    If you are unsatisfied with our product for any reason you will have 30 days from the date of purchase to return the product and request a refund. You may return any Product (as defined below) purchased on patriot-badge.com in accordance with the terms below:
    ❔Returned Badge(s) must be in good condition (not damaged).
    Contact us on magatrump771@gmail.com.
    The return address is: 19655 E 35th Dr #100, Aurora CO 80011, USA
    ❔How long does it take to receive my Trump Badges on my home address?
    Once you complete your purchase of your Trump Badges, our team in Colorado will handle your products within 9-12 business days. (Please note: we currently handle too many shipments so your order might take up to 3 weeks)
    ❔What is the return address for sending back products?
    The return address is: 19655 E 35th Dr #100, Aurora CO 80011, USA
    👉 Official Website + DISCOUNT: https://rebrand.ly/TrumpBadges-OfficialWebsite
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