• Signature Key for a REPO (Linux MX)

    From MarioCCCP@NoliMihiFrangereMentulam@libero.it to comp.os.linux.misc on Sat Mar 9 12:58:19 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.os.linux.misc

    Sillily (LOL) I tried a Dist Upgrade (Linux MX dist upgrade
    from Wildflower to Libretto) without following exactly the
    procedure in the MX 23 Forum

    here : https://mxlinux.org/wiki/system/upgrading-from-mx-21-to-mx-23-without-reinstalling/

    I resume the steps below

    Upgrade Steps:

    1) Upgrade your system to the latest packages with:

    sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade

    2) Install mx23-archive-keyring:

    sudo apt install mx23-archive-keyring

    3) Change sources to point to bookworm release (search
    all .list files and replace “bullseye” with “bookworm”):

    find /etc/apt -name "*.list" -exec sudo sed -i
    's/bullseye/bookworm/g' {} +

    4) Add non-free-firmware to debian sources (or by hand:
    edit the debian.list and add “non-free-firmware” to each deb

    grep -qF 'non-free-firmware'
    /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list || sudo sed -i
    's/non-free/non-free non-free-firmware/g'

    5) Upgrade packages (make sure nothing important is
    removed at this step: examine the prompt before you press “y”):

    sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade

    Now, acting sillily basing on what I recalled, I performed
    all stages FORGETTING 2) Install mx23-archive-keyring:

    The upgrade resulted in PARTIAL success (and failure
    overall). I dunno exactly what was upgraded and what not.

    I then, late alas, to do step 2) afterwards, but then the
    package mx23-archive-keyring was no longer available.
    Maybe it belonged to the ORIGINAL MX21 Repo, that had been
    overwritten by hand.
    Am I right ?

    Is it still a way (I tried using WGET, failing, as unable to
    locate the correct package name, which apparently is neither mx23-archive-keyring nor mx23-archive-key or suilar, and
    moreover the URL could be wrong too or both), but well, as I
    was saying : Is it still a way to install a single package
    from a given repo (the original WILDFLOWER 21 Repo) in the
    new system, and then repeat the upgrade procedure ?

    Some core package, resulting NOT SIGNED, refuse to be
    upgraded, so such keys are necessary.

    I hope I was able to explain sufficiently sth I don't
    understand myself.

    Tnx for any advice for this mess (the system runs, and
    reports itself as the OLD one, even if it upgraded many
    hundreds of packages)
    1) Resistere, resistere, resistere.
    2) Se tutti pagano le tasse, le tasse le pagano tutti
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