• [Python-announce] PyCon Tanzania 2022 - Call for Speakers, Presentations and Workshops

    From Noah .@noah@pycon.or.tz to comp.lang.python.announce on Sat Oct 8 00:19:51 2022
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.python.announce

    Dear Python Community,

    We hope that you are all well to that end and that you have been busy
    working on various awesome Python Projects. It's almost that time of the
    year and we would like to engage the community for the Fourth ever Python Tanzania Conference which is planned to take place during the *First Week
    of December 2022*.

    *PyCon Tanzania*, is seeking keynote speakers and instructors to contribute
    to the Python Conference Program! If you use the Python programming
    language professionally, or as a researcher, or a hobbyist or are just
    excited about Python Programming and Open Source Software, we'd love to
    hear from you and what you have to offer and share with the wider community.

    *We are looking for speakers who would:*

    - Offer a Keynote speaker on an appropriate technical topic;
    - Offer a Technical Tutorial on an appropriate technical topic;
    - Offer a Hackathon on an appropriate technical topic;
    - Participate in the technical panel sessions as a panelist;
    - Convene and chair panel sessions of relevant topics.

    *Topics must be relevant to the Python Language and Open Source Software:*

    - Python usage in your Project
    - Python usage in Research
    - Machine Learning
    - Artificial Intelligence
    - Open Source Software
    - Cyber Security
    - Content Development
    - Gaming and Machine Vision
    - Cloud Computing & Virtualisation
    - Ideas on improving diversity and inclusiveness
    - Functional programming etc
    - Data Science

    2022 **TO*:* speak@pycon.or.tz <speak@pycon.or.tz> *

    *More details and updates will be updated at *https://pycon.or.tz/speak/
    *PyCon Tanzania 2022 will take place in the Beautiful and Magnificent
    Island of ZANZIBAR and plans are underway.*

    [image: zanzibar.jpeg]

    PyCon Tanzania 2022
    Program Committee
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