• [Python-announce] Walk-0 - "Walk, don't run."

    From jules@jules@op59.net to comp.lang.python.announce on Mon Oct 3 21:26:21 2022
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.python.announce

    This might be a bit niche, but after using it privately for a couple of
    years, i've made a first release of Walk, a Python module that provides
    a mechanism for running commands, where commands are not run if Walk
    can infer that they would not change any generated files.

    * An LD_PRELOAD library or syscall tracing is used to detect what files
    a command reads and/or writes.

    * Tested and used on Linux and OpenBSD.

    * Also provided is an example Python script walkbuild/walkfg.py which
    uses Walk to work as a build system for the Flightgear open-source
    flight simulator.

    For more information, please see:

    * Docs: https://walk.readthedocs.io

    * Development: https://github.com/cgdae/walk

    * Install: pip install walkbuild


    - Jules
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