• [Python-announce] NumPy 1.22.1 has been released.

    From Charles R Harris@charlesr.harris@gmail.com to comp.lang.python.announce on Fri Jan 14 13:28:10 2022
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.python.announce

    Hi All,

    On behalf of the NumPy team, I'm pleased to announce the release of NumPy 1.22.1. NumPy 1.22.1 fixes several bugs discovered after the 1.22.0
    release. Notable fixes are:

    - Fix for f2PY docstring problems (SciPy)
    - Fix for reduction type problems (AstroPy)
    - Fixes for various typing bugs.

    The Python versions supported in this release are 3.8-3.10. Wheels can be downloaded from PyPI <https://pypi.org/project/numpy/1.22.1>; source
    archives, release notes, and wheel hashes are available on Github <https://github.com/numpy/numpy/releases/tag/v1.22.1>. Linux users will
    need pip >= 0.19.3 in order to install the manylinux2014 wheels. A recent version of pip is needed to install the universal2 macos wheels.


    A total of 14 people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by
    names contributed a patch for the first time.

    - Arryan Singh
    - Bas van Beek
    - Charles Harris
    - Denis Laxalde
    - Isuru Fernando
    - Kevin Sheppard
    - Matthew Barber
    - Matti Picus
    - Melissa Weber Mendonça
    - Mukulika Pahari
    - Omid Rajaei +
    - Pearu Peterson
    - Ralf Gommers
    - Sebastian Berg

    *Pull requests merged*
    A total of 20 pull requests were merged for this release.

    - #20702: MAINT, DOC: Post 1.22.0 release fixes.
    - #20703: DOC, BUG: Use pngs instead of svgs.
    - #20704: DOC: Fixed the link on user-guide landing page
    - #20714: BUG: Restore vc141 support
    - #20724: BUG: Fix array dimensions solver for multidimensional
    - #20725: TYP: change type annotation for ``__array_namespace__`` to
    - #20726: TYP, MAINT: Allow ``ndindex`` to accept integer tuples
    - #20757: BUG: Relax dtype identity check in reductions
    - #20763: TYP: Allow time manipulation functions to accept ``date`` and
    - #20768: TYP: Relax the type of ``ndarray.__array_finalize__``
    - #20795: MAINT: Raise RuntimeError if setuptools version is too recent.
    - #20796: BUG, DOC: Fixes SciPy docs build warnings
    - #20797: DOC: fix OpenBLAS version in release note
    - #20798: PERF: Optimize array check for bounded 0,1 values
    - #20805: BUG: Fix that reduce-likes honor out always (and live in the...
    - #20806: BUG: ``array_api.argsort(descending=True)`` respects
    - #20807: BUG: Allow integer inputs for pow-related functions in
    - #20814: DOC: Refer to NumPy, not pandas, in main page
    - #20815: DOC: Update Copyright to 2022 [License]
    - #20819: BUG: Return correctly shaped inverse indices in array_api


    Charles Harris
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