Well Netflix is doing it to me again. Got through season one and now Seasson
2 Disc 1 of Enterprise is on VERY LONG WAIT.
Last time they did this to me I was watching Voyager and took almost three months for the disc to show up, then it went on Short Wait and finally they sent it to me. I actually went to the local libray and they purchased all seven years of the series. Not sure if they would do this again if I ask for Enterprise.
Al Kaiser n1api@cox.net <=-
Take care All!
Al Kaiser - Meriden, CT, 28-Dec-2017 at 5:45.
Fido : 1:142/926 - Internet :
.!. Why are cigarettes sold at gas stations where smoking is prohibited?
--- Terminate 5.00/Pro
* Origin: Terminate SmartNote: Remembers & recalls everything! (1:142/926)