Hi! Allen,
On 06 May 16 07:50, you wrote to All:
Can someone please help me out a bit by telling me what I need to do
to make radius create a semaphore file whenever mail or files is
received from a node? I used to know how to do this, but can't figure
it out again.
In the 'Post-processors' config, you can use a DOS re-direction symbol (">") in the 'String to execute' field. For example:
Mask String to execute
---- -----------------
*.pkt *.su? *.mo? *.tu? *.we? *.th? *.fr? *.sa? >[path]\[sempahore.file]
Caveat emptor: I don't use it myself. I invented the above based on a Radius help file of some sort.
... The world is coming to an end. Please log off.
--- Paul's Win98SE VirtualBox
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